Archiv: Bnei Brak (city)

19.05.2023 - 11:49 [ Times of Israel ]

Reporter for right-wing network attacked while covering anti-government protest

Shalev said he is accustomed to facing animosity at anti-government demonstrations because he reports for Channel 14, which critics consider a mouthpiece for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but that the incident the night before had for the first time included physical violence.

He said protesters used their flagpoles to beat him and his crew on the head and body.

“At that point I felt afraid. Until now I have not felt afraid in all the demonstrations I have been to, but here with the flags when it reached the physical level I started to be afraid,” Shalev said.

06.10.2020 - 19:38 [ Haaretz ]

Chaos Raging on Israel‘s ultra-Orthodox Streets Reveals Unraveling Leadership

The violence, which took place in the ultra-Orthodox cities of Betar Ilit, Modi’in Ilit, and even in the “city of Torah and Hasidism” Bnei Brak, was severe, say the people who witnessed it. The general feeling is of a loss of control, not just on the part of the police. Thousands thronged the streets, objects flew in the air, garbage cans were lit on fire and harsh words were spoken (“Nazis,” they called policemen). These weren’t extremists, not the usual rebellious “Jerusalem faction” of zealots. These were people from the Haredi mainstream.

06.10.2020 - 19:35 [ Ynetnews,com ]

Haredim clash with police during crackdown of illegally-run synagogues

The sect is known for its civil disobedience and frequent clashes with security forces over conscription as well as state and religious affairs.
Officers also raided two mass gatherings in the area, celebrating the Sukkot holiday, one organized by a confirmed virus carrier and another, a Tish (a gathering of Hasidim around their Rebbe), organized by the Zotshka Hasidic Dynasty.

08.04.2020 - 20:14 [ ]

High Court upholds lockdown of Bnei Brak as legal

„It is not our place to interfere with the government‘s decision,“ the Court concluded.

08.04.2020 - 16:41 [ Communist Party of Irrael ]

Hadash MK Ofer Cassif Denounces Racist Attacks on Ultra-Orthodox

A leading member of the Communist Party of Israel, Joint List MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash) has denounced the growing number of attacks voiced in recent days against Israel’s ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) population, which has been hit hardest by the coronavirus, partially due to a small minority in the sector’s refusal to comply with the Health Ministry guidelines. “The guidelines must be followed. The hatred for the ultra-Orthodox must be denounced and extracted from within us, like all racism,” said Cassif.

08.04.2020 - 15:58 [ Haaretz ]

Passover Curfew Begins as Israel Coronavirus Cases Top 9,400


The Health Ministry sent a letter on Wednesday to hospitals, calling on them to reduce their use of anesthesia, due to a global shortage of anesthetics coupled with the use of many anesthetics to treat coronavirus patients. (…)

1:35 P.M. Bnei Brak hospital says it cannot accept more patients requiring ventilators

The Ma‘ayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak says it can no longer accept patients who require ventilators because of a shortage in monitoring devices required to operate them.

08.04.2020 - 15:54 [ ]

Israel seals off Charedi-majority Bnei Brak entirely to contain virus outbreak


Micky Rosenfeld, a police spokesman, told Reuters: “Bnei Brak is on lockdown, as of this morning, and police will prevent any movements in or out of the city.

“People are only allowed in or out for medical reasons or medical support.”

06.04.2020 - 16:18 [ Times of Israel ]

The IDF’s goal for Bnei Brak: 1,000 tons of food delivered by Passover

The Israel Defense Forces’ 98th Paratroopers Division primary mission is delivering roughly 1,000 tons (over 2 million pounds) of food to needy residents of the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak before the upcoming Passover holiday on Wednesday evening, a senior military official said Monday.

06.04.2020 - 10:30 [ Haaretz ]

‘There Will Be a Revolt’: Life Under Lockdown in Israel’s Haredi Coronavirus Hot Spot

“Since yesterday I’m trying to find someone to help get Passover food to four elderly couples that I’ve been taking care of for three weeks, and there’s no one to turn to,” said a city resident. “I tried everyone I know, and I know a lot of people. There’s no response from the municipality, all those getting paid by the city don’t want to deal with me. The police send me to the municipality, and from there they send me to the Home Front Command, which sends me back to the municipality.”

04.04.2020 - 11:58 [ ]

Israel: Military deployed to ultra-Orthodox suburb to help enforce coronavirus lockdown

Earlier on Friday the government declared Bnei Brak, home to around 200,000 people, a „restricted zone“ after invoking emergency powers to quell the outbreak, which has spread quickly throughout the community.

The military is expected to deploy about 1,000 soldiers in Bnei Brak to assist local authorities due to the severity of the situation there and the reported lack of implementation of health ministry instructions.

04.04.2020 - 11:50 [ Tagesschau ]

Coronavirus-„Hotspots“: Israel riegelt streng religiöse Gegenden ab

Die größte von streng-religiösen Juden bewohnte Stadt Israels ist abgeriegelt und zur Sperrzone erklärt. Dutzende von Checkpoints wurden errichtet. 1000 Polizisten, unterstützt von der Armee, sind im Einsatz, patrouillieren unter Anderem in den Straßen. Drohnen überwachen Bnei Brak aus der Luft.

23.05.2018 - 19:34 [ Sputnik ]

US Embassy in Israel Seeks Apology for Israeli Group’s Third Temple Photo Stunt

Achiya reacted to the embassy‘s statement swiftly, saying that the man who presented the picture acted on his own behalf.

„We wish to thank the ambassador Mr. David Friedman and the staff members for their professionalism and courtesy… regretfully the entire event was marred by a cheap political act, the responsible staff member was identified and apologizes and we will deal with the matter internally in the organization,“ Achiya said in its statement.

23.05.2018 - 19:31 [ Haaretz ]

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Pictured With Controversial Image of Jerusalem Third Temple Replacing Muslim Mosques

It was unclear at the time whether Friedman noticed that the image was doctored and whether he was endorsing it or not. A U.S. Embassy official told Haaretz they have demanded an apology from the organization „for allowing one of their staff to present this controversial image to the ambassador during the visit.“

A statement issued by the embassy later said that Friedman „was not aware of the image thrust in front of him when the photo was taken. He was deeply disappointed that anyone would take advantage of his visit to Bnei Brak to create controversy.“