Daily Archives: 5. November 2022

05.11.2022 - 12:37 [ Cristian Terhes, Member of the European Parliament representing Romania and the Christian-Democratic National Peasants' Party (PNTCD) / Nitter ]

The lockdown abusers and their enablers now call for an AMNESTY, but without confessing the damage they‘ve done and asking for forgiveness. I don‘t want revenge, just justice at the fullest extent of the law! Do not vote into public offices any Freedom deniers and their parties!

05.11.2022 - 12:14 [ CrisisMagazine.com ]

Pandemic Amnesty? Not So Fast

It is simply wrong for people to publicly advocate for segregation and unemployment of a group of people because they don’t want a medicine that is fifteen minutes old.

It is simply wrong to whip your children up into a frenzy about something you have only heard about on the mainstream news to the point where they are yelling at strangers less than two meters away.

It is simply wrong to uninvite family members from Christmas because they didn’t take the same medicine you did.

It is simply wrong to close churches—you know, those places you go to when death is near—because you think death is near!

It is simply wrong to close the borders for years on end and completely ruin businesses that rely on tourism.

It is simply wrong to demonize every dissenting opinion in the pursuit of scientific and medical answers. Something about the scientific method requiring dissenting opinions and contrary evidence to buttress claims comes to mind…

I could go on and on.

05.11.2022 - 12:10 [ theAtlantic.com ]

Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty


We have to put these fights aside and declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation while forgiving the hard calls that people had no choice but to make with imperfect knowledge. Los Angeles County closed its beaches in summer 2020. Ex post facto, this makes no more sense than my family’s masked hiking trips. But we need to learn from our mistakes and then let them go. We need to forgive the attacks, too. Because I thought schools should reopen and argued that kids as a group were not at high risk, I was called a “teacher killer” and a “génocidaire.” It wasn’t pleasant, but feelings were high. And I certainly don’t need to dissect and rehash that time for the rest of my days.

Moving on is crucial now, because the pandemic created many problems that we still need to solve.

05.11.2022 - 11:55 [ shz.de / Nitter ]

Kurz vor den Kongresswahlen in den #USA hat Präsident #JoeBiden die Wähler davor gewarnt, dass die #Demokratie im Land auf dem Spiel stehe. #Midterms


05.11.2022 - 11:24 [ Fox News ]

Pennsylvania Senate race: Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz takes lead over Democrat John Fetterman in new poll

On Nov. 3, RealClearPolitics scored Oz’s support at 46.6%, while Fetterman’s post-debate support continues to fall, now to 46.3%; a difference well within the margin of error.

The lead is Oz’s first as he has trailed since the candidates won their respective primary elections in May 2022. Fetterman once held an 8.7-point lead over Oz in Aug., when Oz had just 39% support.

05.11.2022 - 11:14 [ CNN ]

Three presidents descend on Pennsylvania in a major day for one of the nation‘s most closely watched Senate contests

For President Joe Biden, who will hold a rare joint appearance with former President Barack Obama in Philadelphia meant to boost the Democratic candidate Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, Pennsylvania will amount to a political stress test in his home state, where he‘s traveled 20 times since taking office.

For former President Donald Trump, who rallies outside of Pittsburgh in the city of Latrobe, a win by his hand-selected candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz could prove his own enduring viability in a commonwealth he lost by a narrow margin in 2020.

05.11.2022 - 10:58 [ Independent.co.uk ]

Trump news – live: Trump aides leak possible date for 2024 presidential campaign announcement

After Donald Trump told a rally crowd in Sioux City, Iowa, that he is likelier than ever to run for president in 2024, multiple outlets are now reporting that his aides are homing in on 14 November as a date to announce a new campaign.

“In order to make our country successful and safe and glorious, I will very, very, very probably do it again,” Mr Trump told the rally crowd last night. “Get ready, that’s all I’m telling you – very soon. Get ready.”

05.11.2022 - 10:48 [ Axios ]

Scoop: Trump team eyes Nov. 14 announcement

Why it matters: Trump and his top advisers have been signaling for weeks that a 2024 announcement is imminent. But those discussions have reached the point that allies are blocking off days in their calendars for the week after the midterms — and preparing to travel.

What we‘re hearing: With polls pointing toward a good night for Republicans on Tuesday, Trump plans to surf the GOP‘s expected post-midterm euphoria to build momentum for his own effort to retake the White House.