Daily Archives: 9. April 2018

09.04.2018 - 13:54 [ Conversation ]

German politicians invest in opera when seeking re-election – here’s why

(4.April) Sociologically speaking, highbrow culture consumers are what we call “high-multiplier” voters. Theatre and opera visitors are more likely to be consummate “political animals” themselves. Compared to other demographics, they are particularly likely to turn out to vote and to otherwise actively participate in politics.

09.04.2018 - 12:45 [ Pester Lloyd ]

News und Forum zur Wahl in Ungarn am 8. April

Orbán bleibt absoluter Alleinherrscher in Ungarn. Die Opposition hat auf ganzer Linie verloren, Fidesz legt bei Zweitstimmen nochmals zu (auf fast 50%) und holt damit auf, was man an einigen Direktmandaten verloren hat. In Summe gewinnt Orbáns Partei noch ein Mandat mehr und holt sich die 2/3-Mehrheit zurück.

09.04.2018 - 10:24 [ Haaretz ]

Russia Outs Israel, Says Two Israeli Fighter Jets Struck Iranian Base in Syria

Asked about the Russian statement, an Israeli military spokesman said he had no immediate comment.

Israel had attacked the T4 base near Homs twice in the past, destroying an Iranian drone control center and communications systems.

09.04.2018 - 10:18 [ Tass ]

Syrian T-4 airfield hit by Israel’s F-15 jets, Russian Defense Ministry says

The Syrian air defenses destroyed five guided missiles. Three missiles reached the western part of the airfield. No Russian advisers are among the casualties

09.04.2018 - 10:14 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Syrien: Russland macht Israel für Angriff auf Militärflughafen verantwortlich

Zwei israelische Kampfjets vom Typ F-15 hätten in der Nacht zum Montag aus dem libanesischen Luftraum heraus acht Raketen auf den Flugplatz Taifur (auch T4 oder Tiyas genannt) abgefeuert, teilte das Verteidigungsministerium in Moskau den Agenturen Tass und Interfax zufolge am Montag mit. Die syrische Luftabwehr habe fünf der Raketen abgefangen.

09.04.2018 - 09:59 [ New York Times ]

Will Congress Ever Limit the Forever-Expanding 9/11 War?

(28.10.2017) The law, commonly called the A.U.M.F., on its face provided congressional authorization to use military force only against nations, groups or individuals responsible for the attacks. But while the specific enemy lawmakers were thinking about in September 2001 was the original Al Qaeda and its Taliban host in Afghanistan, three presidents of both parties have since invoked the 9/11 war authority to justify battle against Islamist militants in many other places.

09.04.2018 - 09:54 [ thehill.com ]

Trump clashes with military in Syria pullout push

(8.4.2018) “One useful place to start is the different conceptions of war that Trump and his generals have,” said Stephen Biddle, adjunct senior fellow for defense policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. “Trump thinks wars should look like World War II. He’s looking for some sort of big dramatic blitzkrieg.

“He thinks that you win a war with some sort of sudden decisive violence, the enemy cries ‘uncle’ and then you have a big victory parade.“

09.04.2018 - 09:48 [ axios.com ]

Netanyahu couldn‘t convince Trump to rethink Syria policy

The phone call between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump — which took place last Tuesday — has failed. Netanyahu could not convince Trump to rethink his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria, an Israeli source briefed on the call told me.

09.04.2018 - 09:46 [ Vanessa Beeley ‏/ Twitter ]

Waiting for 100 buses to exit #Douma with Jaish Al Islam terrorists to Jarablus & finally release of kidnap victims/hostages. Electric atmosphere in waiting crowds. Evacuation will take up to 48hrs. #Syria_Rising


09.04.2018 - 09:43 [ Heise.de ]

Syrien: Letztes Dschihadistenareal in Ostghuta vor Räumung?

(3.4.2018) Mit den Dschaisch-al-Islam-Dschihadisten, die in und um Duma das letzte noch nicht befreite Areal beherrschen, gibt es einigen Medienberichten nach eine vollständige, anderen zufolge nur eine teilweise Einigung, die bislang lediglich den Abtransport von rund 1.300 Zivilisten und Verletzten betrifft. Sie reisten gestern – anders als die Failak-al-Rahman- und die Ahrar-asch-Scham-Sippen – nicht in das faktische Dschihadistenreservat Idlib aus (in dem die syrische al-Qaida-Filiale Dschabhat Fatah asch-Scham und ihre Verbündeten das Sagen haben), sondern in das von der türkischen Armee besetzte Dscharabulus.

09.04.2018 - 09:21 [ Elysee Palast (Präsident von Frankreich) ]

Communiqué – Entretien téléphonique entre le Président de la République Emmanuel Macron et le Président des États-Unis Donald Trump

(9.4.2018) Le Président de la République Emmanuel Macron s’est entretenu le dimanche 8 avril 2018 avec le Président des États-Unis d’Amérique à propos de la situation en Syrie. Le Président de la République française a condamné avec la plus grande fermeté les attaques chimiques le 7 avril contre la population de Douma dans la Ghouta orientale.

Le Président de la République et le Président des Etats-Unis d’Amérique ont échangé leurs informations et leurs analyses confirmant l’utilisation d’armes chimiques.

09.04.2018 - 09:12 [ Sputniknews.com ]

Paris: Macron, Trump Exchange Data ‚Confirming‘ Chemical Weapons Use in Douma

(9.4.2018) Elysee Palace announced that US Presient Donald Trump and French President Emanuel Macron have exchanged data that, according to the announcement, confirm use of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Douma.

09.04.2018 - 08:59 [ Daniel McAdams ‏, Executive Director, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity / Twitter ]

Assad has masterfully defeated virtually the entire world but is secretly a Mr. Hyde who cannot help his „addiction“ to killing his own people. And we are the ones forced to pay for this crap from the @AtlanticCouncil — because DC steals our tax money to fund it!

09.04.2018 - 04:03 [ Reuters ]

U.N. Security Council to meet twice on Monday after Syria attack

Russia called for a meeting of the 15-member council on “international threats to peace and security,” though the precise topic of discussion was not immediately clear, diplomats said on Sunday.

A minute later the United States, France, Britain, Sweden, Poland, the Netherlands, Kuwait, Peru and Ivory Coast called for a meeting to discuss the chemical weapons attack in Syria.

09.04.2018 - 03:51 [ Eva J. Koulouriotis ‏ / Twitter ]

#Breaking #Pentagon officials say there is no truth to reports that #USA has launched an attack against #Assad bases in #Syria.This means that the first information that the #Israel-i Air Force is behind these strikes is correct. #Russia #France #Iran

09.04.2018 - 03:49 [ Dion Nissenbaum / Twitter ]

Pentagon officials say there is no truth to reports that US has launched an attack against Assad bases in Syria.

09.04.2018 - 03:43 [ jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com ]

Donald Trump wants out of Syria. Why Israel thinks that’s a problem

(5.4.2018) “We don’t have any limits on our action in Syria,” Netanyahu told reporters. “We see eye to eye,” he said of Israeli and U.S. policy.

A few weeks later, Middle East watchers are wondering which eye bears watching: Trump keeps saying he wants out of Syria, while U.S. defense officials and diplomats say the United States remains committed to its role in pacifying the country after seven years of a devastating war.

09.04.2018 - 03:40 [ sputniknews.com ]

Russian Military Reports No Chemical Weapons Used in Vicinity of Syria‘s Douma

No chemical weapons were used in the vicinity of the city of Douma in Syria‘s Eastern Ghouta, and all accusations against the Syrian government troops are fake, the Russian reconciliation center for Syria said on Sunday.

09.04.2018 - 03:39 [ de.sputniknews.com ]

Wirft Damaskus Chlorbomben ab? Russisches Militär klärt auf

Eine Reihe sozusagen unabhängiger Nichtregierungsorganisationen, darunter die Weißhelme, habe verkündet, dass die syrische Armee am Samstag in Duma angeblich eine Chlorbombe abgeworfen hätte.

„Wir weisen diese Information entschieden zurück und erklären unsere Bereitschaft, nach der Befreiung Dumas von den Islamisten sofort russische Fachleute von den ABC-Abwehrtruppen zum Datensammeln zu schicken. Diese Untersuchungen werden beweisen, dass die Beschuldigungen auf Fälschungen basieren“, so Jewtuschenko.

09.04.2018 - 03:36 [ New York Times ]

As Trump Seeks Way Out of Syria, New Attack Pulls Him Back In

Days after President Trump said he wanted to pull the United States out of Syria, Syrian forces hit a suburb of Damascus with bombs that rescue workers said unleashed toxic gas.

Within hours, images of dead families sprawled in their homes threatened to change Mr. Trump’s calculus on Syria, possibly drawing him deeper into an intractable Middle Eastern war that he hoped to leave.

09.04.2018 - 03:28 [ theHill.com ]

Trump national security spokesman to depart White House

This source insisted, “He completely flipped. He was brought in because of Flynn but he became the biggest cheerleader for the McMaster faction that fought against implementing the president’s policies.”

Whether that is true or not, his departure cleans the slate for Bolton to build his own team. Monday will be Bolton‘s official first day on the job.