Archiv: United Federation of Teachers (UFT)

30.10.2021 - 07:38 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Organized Labor in New York Opposes COVID Vaccine Mandates


Organized labor in NYC is 100% against vaccine mandates to keep our jobs. Now the lame-duck mayor Bill De Blasio is implementing a policy designed to coerce all city employees to get the COVID vaccine without going through collective bargaining. TEACHERS FOR CHOICE is planning legal action.

Here is a list of labor unions that oppose forced vaccination to maintain employment:

28.09.2021 - 19:41 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Why fully vaccinated educators must leave the AFT and UFT

The UFT teachers union in NYC and its national umbrella AFT have already decided the following:

– Vaccination every 6 months is now a “way of life” for their members
– Anyone who is ‘unvaccianted’ doesn’t deserve employment in America
– Biometric systems in schools should be implemented
– Universal masking in schools should be permanent
– Unions are not obligated to protect individual civil liberties
– Unions don’t serve their members, they serve the DNC and the Biosecurity State

To all of my fully vaccinated brothers and sisters in education I implore you to look at this list and ask yourself if this is the country, the community and the school system you want to be a part of. IF it is not, then you must LEAVE THE UFT & AFT RIGHT NOW!