Archiv: Unison (union)

07.02.2023 - 05:24 [ ]

Donate to support striking workers

As UNISON members continue to take strike action, the union is asking for donations to its strike fund

19.12.2022 - 03:31 [ ]

Army should not be used as ‘ultimate backstop’ in strikes, defence chief says

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the head of Britain’s armed forces, said it would be “slightly perilous” to expect them to be used routinely in the event of strikes by public sector workers.

In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, Radakin said the use of armed forces to provide cover for striking workers would not impede operations, but suggested personnel should be allowed to get on with their day-to-day jobs.

19.12.2022 - 03:28 [ BBC ]

December strikes: 1,200 troops to cover for ambulances and Border Force

The co-ordinated walkout was called by the three main ambulance unions – Unison, GMB and Unite.

All three are taking action on 21 December. GMB union members will go on strike again on 28 December.

Meanwhile, Royal College of Nursing (RCN) members are due to walk out for a second time on 20 December in parts of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, following action on 15 December.

23.09.2019 - 14:47 [ Daily Mail ]

Labour at breaking point: Jeremy Corbyn launches extraordinary tirade at reporters at party conference as he faces humiliation at the hands of Remainer activists in crunch Brexit votes – with even his union allies abandoning him

Amid intense behind-the-scenes arm-twisting today, public services union Unison broke ranks to declared it will oppose the leader‘s Brexit fudge.

But the Momentum pressure group appears to have handed Mr Corbyn a lifeline by signalling its activists will be in his camp, rather than with the Remainers.

In a shock split, its founder Jon Lansman made clear he did not agree with the decision, tweeting that ‚members should feel free to vote with their conscience‘.

23.09.2019 - 14:44 [ ]

Jeremy Corbyn relies on union block vote to crush members who want party to back Remain, writes Robert Peston

A source close to Corbyn tells me he expects the block vote of the unions to defeat that motion on Monday when put to conference, although another source told me the two giant unions, Unison and Unite, are no longer as one and Unison may peel away from Unite and abstain.

22.01.2019 - 20:02 [ ]

Brexit: Theresa May set to meet top Corbyn ally Len McCluskey for talks in No10

The Unite general secretary has been issued the unprecedented invite to No10 as the Prime Minister desperately tries to win support for her deal.

A union source said GMB leader Tim Roache and UNISON‘s Dave Prentis had also been invited for one-on-one talks on Thursday.