Archiv: Tulsa (city)

21.06.2020 - 10:06 [ ZDF ]

Wahlkampf in Tulsa – Trump stichelt gegen Deutschland

Der US-Präsident sagte, Deutschland schulde der Nato wegen unzureichender Verteidigungsausgaben in den vergangenen 25 Jahren in Wahrheit „eine Billion Dollar“.

Trump übte in dem Zusammenhang erneut Kritik an der geplanten Ostsee-Pipeline Nord-Stream 2, die Gas von Russland nach Deutschland bringen soll. „Wir sollen Deutschland vor Russland beschützen“, sagte Trump unter Applaus.

21.06.2020 - 09:19 [ CNN ]

Sick staff and empty seats: How Trump‘s triumphant return to the campaign trail went from bad to worse

Hours later, the President was informed six campaign staffers in Tulsa had tested positive for coronavirus ahead of his scheduled arrival — an unfortunate reminder of an ongoing pandemic Trump‘s critics say he is ignoring. After initially dismissing the revelation, a source familiar with his reaction said Trump erupted when it was subsequently reported in the media — overtaking coverage of the rally itself.

21.06.2020 - 09:13 [ NBC News ]

6 Trump campaign members in Tulsa test positive for the coronavirus ahead of rally


Of the six, at least two of them are Secret Service agents, according to a law enforcement official.

21.06.2020 - 08:45 [ ]

President Trump tweets at ‚protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes‘ today before Tulsa rally


President Trump tweeted this Friday morning, a day before his rally in Tulsa:

„Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!“

20.06.2020 - 09:42 [ ]

With curfew lifted, festival atmosphere reigns in downtown Tulsa near site of Saturday‘s Trump campaign rally

Thousands of adoring fans and some number of not-so-adoring opponents are expected to greet President Donald Trump on Saturday night when he becomes the first U.S. chief executive in more than 25 years to visit Tulsa.

Trump followers began gathering in the city almost as soon as the 7 p.m. rally at the BOK Center was announced last week. In a larger sense, many have been waiting for months, ever since the COVID-19 epidemic put a stop to most live campaign activities.

20.06.2020 - 09:16 [ ]

City of Tulsa cancels weekend curfew for downtown area ahead of President Trump’s rally

“Last night, I enacted a curfew at the request of Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin, following consultation with the United States Secret Service based on intelligence they had received,” Mayor G.T. Bynum said. “Today, we were told the curfew is no longer necessary so I am rescinding it.”

They said they say they are still aware that buses of protesters may be brought in tonight and they will have officers around the perimeter to secure it and keep campers safe.

20.06.2020 - 08:04 [ ]

Oklahoma Supreme Court denies appeal to enforce social distancing at Trump rally

The Oklahoma Supreme Court denied a legal request to require that social distancing be enforced at President Trump’s campaign rally on Saturday, according to media reports Friday.

The decision comes in response to a lawsuit brought by two attorneys on behalf of city residents, businesses and immunocompromised individuals who claimed that the rally would put the community at increased risk of coronavirus infection.