Archiv: NY Teachers for Choice (organization)

30.10.2021 - 07:38 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Organized Labor in New York Opposes COVID Vaccine Mandates


Organized labor in NYC is 100% against vaccine mandates to keep our jobs. Now the lame-duck mayor Bill De Blasio is implementing a policy designed to coerce all city employees to get the COVID vaccine without going through collective bargaining. TEACHERS FOR CHOICE is planning legal action.

Here is a list of labor unions that oppose forced vaccination to maintain employment:

28.09.2021 - 19:41 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Why fully vaccinated educators must leave the AFT and UFT

The UFT teachers union in NYC and its national umbrella AFT have already decided the following:

– Vaccination every 6 months is now a “way of life” for their members
– Anyone who is ‘unvaccianted’ doesn’t deserve employment in America
– Biometric systems in schools should be implemented
– Universal masking in schools should be permanent
– Unions are not obligated to protect individual civil liberties
– Unions don’t serve their members, they serve the DNC and the Biosecurity State

To all of my fully vaccinated brothers and sisters in education I implore you to look at this list and ask yourself if this is the country, the community and the school system you want to be a part of. IF it is not, then you must LEAVE THE UFT & AFT RIGHT NOW!

28.09.2021 - 19:02 [ NY Teachers for Choice ]

Multi-Cultural Plaintiffs Sue de Blasio over Vaccine Mandate

Black, Brown, Hispanic, White, Asian, female, male and immigrant plaintiffs are suing Mayor de Blasio in federal court over his forced vaccination mandate for NYC DOE employees in the case KANE vs DE BLASIO. The 10 plaintiffs include Michael Kane, William Castro, Margaret Chu, Heather Clark, Stephanie Di Capua, Robert Gladding, Nwakaego Nwaifejokwu, Ingrid Romero, Trinidad Smith, and Amaryllis Ruiz-Toro.

This is the third lawsuit filed against de Blasio’s vaccine mandate for NYC educators with a major focus on the city’s fraudulent exemption process.