Archiv: Richard Blumenthal

03.11.2023 - 10:51 [ ]

U.S. discussing peacekeeping force for Gaza after Hamas falls, senators say

(November 1, 2023)

Sens. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told POLITICO that there’s early, closed-door diplomacy over establishing a peacekeeping force in Gaza, though it was not likely to include American troops.

“There are ongoing conversations regarding the possible composition of an international force,” Van Hollen said, refusing to go into specific detail. “They are very preliminary and fragile.”

26.04.2023 - 12:35 [ WA People's Privacy / Nitter ]

Please be on alert for the re-introduction of KOSA (Kids Online Safety Act) -fed bill that over 100 orgs opposed last session due to dangers to kids‘ free speech, and deep concerns about privacy and state‘s control over content moderation. Folks may need to snap into action

26.04.2023 - 12:32 [ @evan_greer / Nitter ]

URGENT: We‘ve just heard that @SenBlumenthal and @MarshaBlackburn plan to reintroduce the controversial Kids Online Safety Act (#KOSA) tomorrow.

They will say that they‘ve engaged with LGBTQ groups (true) and addressed all concerns with the bill (NOT TRUE!!!)

29.01.2023 - 22:19 [ Enigma2Me / Twitter ]

We have succeeded in stopping the #KOSA/#KidsOnlineSafetyAct/Kids Online Safety Act, but this is only a reprieve. @SenBlumenthal and his cohorts WILL be back, and they‘ll keep trying to force through bills like this through manipulation and misdirection. Keep your eyes open.

(Dec 20, 2022)