Archiv: Deval Patrick

09.03.2020 - 18:35 [ Radio Utopie ]

Prognose: Obama-Abziehbild Deval Patrick wird neuer Präsidentschaftskandidat der „Demokratischen Partei“


Auf erneute Erklärungen verzichten wir, da wir nicht nur von einem moralisch-politischen, sondern auch von einem mentalen Zusammenbruch fast aller progressiven / linken Individuen und ergo Organisationen und Strömungen in der U.S.-Hegemonie ausgehen müssen.

09.03.2020 - 18:30 [ Pierre B / Twitter ]

Joe Biden‘s Cabinet Possible Picks: -Deval Patrick: Vice President

-Bloomberg: World Bank
-Diamond: US Treasury
-John Kerry: Secretary of State
-Susan Rice: National Security Adviser

Return the Neoliberal normalcy….

12.02.2020 - 20:13 [ ]

Deval Patrick drops out of 2020 race

Patrick said in a statement announcing his withdrawal that he still believes his record as governor dealing with health care, the Boston Marathon bombing and more made an effective case for his candidacy, but he did not have the momentum necessary to move forward.

06.02.2020 - 11:20 [ Chris Schwartz, Black Hawk County (Iowa) Supervisor / Twitter ]

I‘ll be on @democracynow in the morning to discuss the @BernieSanders and @DevalPatrick results mix-up and slow pace of returns in the #IACaucas #NotMeUs

06.02.2020 - 11:14 [ Chris Schwartz, Black Hawk County (Iowa) Supervisor / Twitter ]

The state party is now being forced to walk back their error of giving @BernieSanders delegates to @DevalPatrick who received zero votes in Black Hawk County. Press can dm me.

06.02.2020 - 09:19 [ phil / Twitter ]

.. but it looks like they updated it since my tweet. which is good

06.02.2020 - 09:11 [ phil / Twitter ]

Replying to @iowademocrats: hey, looks like you accidentally swapped deval patrick‘s (left) and bernie‘s (right) columns in the rows between WL 3-4 and WL 4-2. you also switched tom steyer and elizabeth warren‘s results for the same rows.

14.11.2019 - 18:05 [ Radio Utopie ]

Prognose: Obama-Abziehbild Deval Patrick wird neuer Präsidentschaftskandidat der „Demokratischen Partei“


Auf erneute Erklärungen verzichten wir, da wir nicht nur von einem moralisch-politischen, sondern auch von einem mentalen Zusammenbruch fast aller progressiven / linken Individuen und ergo Organisationen und Strömungen in der U.S.-Hegemonie ausgehen müssen.

14.11.2019 - 18:01 [ Deval For All / Youtube ]

Deval Patrick Announcement Video


In a spirit of profound gratitude for all the country has given to me, with a determination to build a better, more sustainable, more inclusive American Dream for everyone:

I am today announcing my candidacy for President of the United States.

14.11.2019 - 17:49 [ New York Times ]

Deval Patrick Joins the 2020 Race: ‘This Won’t Be Easy, and It Shouldn’t Be’


Former Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts officially entered the presidential race on Thursday, adding an 18th candidate and an 11th-hour twist to a turbulent Democratic primary with less than three months to go before the Iowa caucuses.

Mr. Patrick’s announcement, which he had signaled this week, came in the form of a video he released early Thursday morning. In it, he said he was running for people who “feel left out” and want a future “not built by somebody better than you, not built for you, but built with you.”

23.10.2019 - 19:49 [ Matt Taibbi ‏/ Twitter ]

Not the Onion: New York Times piece speculates Democratic Party insiders might try to lure John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Deval Patrick, Mike Bloomberg, or Eric Holder as “white knight” saviors in the presidential race.

01.01.2019 - 22:30 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wie Elizabeth Warren mit Bernie Sanders‘ Hilfe U.S.-Präsidentin geworden wäre

Der Reihe nach.

27.10.2018 - 20:10 [ Radio Utopie ]

Prognose: Obama-Abziehbild Deval Patrick wird neuer Präsidentschaftskandidat der „Demokratischen Partei“


Auf erneute Erklärungen verzichten wir, da wir nicht nur von einem moralisch-politischen, sondern auch von einem mentalen Zusammenbruch fast aller progressiven / linken Individuen und ergo Organisationen und Strömungen in der U.S.-Hegemonie ausgehen müssen.

27.10.2018 - 20:08 [ ]

Top Obama Allies Are Ready To Support A Deval Patrick Presidential Campaign

(23.10.2018) Standing in a church hall this month, Deval Patrick scanned the faces at the get-out-the-vote rally and took them back to his childhood in Chicago’s South Side and the private school experience that changed him.

What he had in Chicago was a real community, he said. When you had a stake in your neighbors’ dreams and struggles, and they had one in yours. When each adult was responsible for each child, and people were wholly devoted to common interests. When you were intent on leaving things better for the next generation …

15.07.2018 - 12:19 [ Radio Utopie ]

Prognose: Obama-Abziehbild Deval Patrick wird neuer Präsidentschaftskandidat der „Demokratischen Partei“

In der Demokratie-Simulation der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika wird die sogenannte „Demokratische Partei“ für die Präsidentschaftswahlen in 2020 den Kandidaten Deval Patrick nominieren. Und Bernie Sanders wird ihn, natürlich, unterstützen. Und dann wird er verlieren.

Dass der amtierende Cäsar Donald Trump in 2020 wiedergewählt wird, haben wir bereits vor einem Monat prognostiziert.

15.06.2018 - 15:30 [ ]

Patrick plans 2020 decision by end of the year

(4.6.2018) Patrick has only run for one office in his political career: governor of Massachusetts, where he served for two terms from 2007 to 2015. But he has been encouraged by members of President Barack Obama’s inner circle to run for president.

15.06.2018 - 15:24 [ Boston Globe ]

Patrick stays quiet as his former aide runs for governor

(14.6.2018) Why so quiet? Because as a managing director at Bain Capital, Patrick says, he is barred under federal “pay-to-play” rules from saying anything about any candidates for state or local office.

15.06.2018 - 15:18 [ CNBC ]

Democratic donors are pushing former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick to run for president in 2020

(9.5.2018) Just after Trump was elected, members of Obama‘s inner circle, including former senior advisor Valerie Jarrett and chief campaign strategist David Axelrod, reportedly met with Patrick to discuss a possible run.

Obama himself, who is friends with the former governor, has also reportedly encouraged Patrick to make a move against Trump.