Daily Archives: 10. Februar 2023

10.02.2023 - 05:47 [ Times of Israel ]

Lapid backs call for general strike on Monday in anti-government protest


Opposition leader Yair Lapid comes out in support of a worker’s strike on Monday in protest of the government’s judicial overhaul plan.

10.02.2023 - 05:25 [ Youtube ]

Yitzhak Rabin – The Last Speech (English Subtitles)

The last speech of prime minister and minister of defense Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated by right-wing Israeli radical on November 4th 1995 in Tel Aviv.

10.02.2023 - 04:57 [ Ynetnews.com ]

Netanyahu in 1993: Iran will have bomb by 1999


The prime minister has been warning for over 20 years that Tehran is close to achieving its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

10.02.2023 - 04:51 [ WeAreTheMighty.com ]

Israeli Mossad is striking Iranian military centers and leaders, anywhere in the world

Aside from the biblical stories of persecution, Jews in Russia, Portugal and even Brooklyn, New York, have been the victims of anti-Jewish hate killings. Then, of course, there’s Nazi Germany.

Iran is just the latest to threaten the annihilation of the Jewish people, but this time, the Jewish people have a state of their own, a military that rivals anything in the region, and an intelligence service that is notoriously willing and able to do whatever it takes to protect the world’s Jews, especially those inside Israel.

10.02.2023 - 04:18 [ Haaretz ]

German Envoy ‚Disappointed‘ With Israeli Minister‘s Claim That Iran, Germany Fund Anti-government Protests

In an interview with Army Radio this past Tuesday, the minister claimed that the left relies on foreign funding to carry out its political activity. “Let’s not even talk about foreign funding, where the left can take the right to school,” Distal Atbaryan said.

She added: “Funding from foreign nations and actors, most [of whom are] antisemites, taking people out into the streets without them knowing that the money [bankrolling them] to protest ultimately comes from countries like Germany or Iran – that’s what’s on the left.”

10.02.2023 - 04:12 [ ישראל פריי / Twitter ]

Minister of Propaganda in the Netanyahu government Distal to media: The Israelis protesting against the judiciary coup are funded by anti-Semitic countries like Germany and Iran
