Archiv: Transportation Security Administration (TSA) / US Department of Homeland Security

08.01.2021 - 07:24 [ Glenn Greenwald / Twitter ]

Secret, due-process-free no-fly lists were one of the worst post-9/11 civil liberties abuses — I reported on them often. Stunning to see calls from Congress for people to be put on them revived in this climate. I hope people realize what‘s happening:

08.01.2021 - 07:09 [ Newsweek ]

House Homeland Security Committee Chair Calls for Capitol Rioters to Be Put on No-Fly List

The chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security has called for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the FBI to ban those involved in Wednesday‘s insurrection that breached the U.S. Capitol building from flying on airplanes.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) issued a statement Thursday urging the agencies to add the „violent perpetrators involved in the domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol“ to the no-fly list.

09.09.2020 - 23:56 [ The Hill ]

US to stop enhanced coronavirus screening for international travelers: reports

A TSA official told CNN a draft public affairs guidance memo lays out the rationale for ending airport screenings, stating that of the 675,000 passengers screened at 15 airports, fewer than 15 have been identified as having COVID-19.

23.07.2020 - 21:41 [ ]

Portland City Council bans local police from working with federal law enforcement

The measure, which was passed on Wednesday, orders all members of the Portland Police Department to stop giving or receiving „operational support“ from officers representing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Marshal Service, Federal Protective Service and Customs and Border Protection, according to local news reports. Under the resolution, police are also banned from overseeing demonstrations alongside federal officers.

20.07.2020 - 12:43 [ ]

House Democrats ask watchdogs to probe federal crackdown on protests

“The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appear to have increasingly abused emergency authorities to justify the use of force against Americans exercising their right to peaceful assembly,” wrote House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.).