Earlier, on Thursday, the PT member will attend the inauguration of former president Dilma Rousseff at the BRICS Development Bank, in Shanghai. Lula wants investment in new productive assets and infrastructure, including railroads and hydroelectric plants, while his Chinese counterpart demands Brazil‘s formal entry into the Belt and Road Initiative, which completes ten years in September.
Archiv: Shanghai (city)
CHINA – Every dot is a vessel stacked in queues at all ports, not just Shanghai. China’s lockdown policies will cripple western supply chains, destroy businesses and weaken economies & governments. Almost like sanctions.
The lockdown in Shanghai is causing a massive logjam in maritime cargo transportation. A fifth of the world’s containerships are currently stuck in congestion. The largest share are stuck offshore around China. The global supply chain repercussions are enormous. Cause and effect.
Seefracht: Lockdown in Shanghai beeinträchtigt Lieferketten langfristig
Aktuell seien von den jüngsten Covid-19-bedingten Sperrungen fast ein Drittel der chinesischen Bevölkerung – insgesamt mehr als 370 Millionen Menschen – in irgendeiner Form betroffen.
Abhängig davon, welche Städte noch wie lange gesperrt werden, könnten sich Rogers zufolge Auswirkungen auf Branchen wie die Autoindustrie und die Unterhaltungsindustrie noch bis weit in den Sommer 2022 ziehen.