Archiv: Aramco (Saudi Arabian Oil Company)

17.04.2023 - 10:42 [ Fortune ]

Saudi Arabia’s national oil company raked in a record $161 billion profit last year, as the Ukraine war and OPEC+ drove a 46% increase


Aramco boosted its dividend — a crucial source of funding for the Saudi Arabian government — to $19.5 billion for the final quarter, up 4% from the previous three-month period.

US and European peers such as Chevron Corp. and Shell Plc also reported blowout earnings and are returning billions of dollars to shareholders through larger dividends and buybacks. Aramco, until now, has instead focused on using its extra cash to increase output.

12.03.2023 - 20:46 [ ]

Russia‘s War In Ukraine Helps Oil Giant Saudi Aramco Post Historic $161 Billion Profit In 2022

The announcement came off the back of energy prices rising after Russia launched its war on Ukraine in February 2022, with sanctions limiting the sale of Moscow‘s oil and natural gas in Western markets. Aramco‘s results mirror the huge profits seen at U.S. and British oil giants.

12.03.2023 - 20:29 [ ]

Saudischer Ölkonzern Aramco meldet 161 Mrd. Dollar Gewinn

Der saudi-arabische Ölkonzern war erst 2019 an die Börse gegangen. Er ist das zweitwertvollste Unternehmen der Welt nach Apple. 2022 meldeten auch fünf weitere Ölgiganten Rekordgewinne: Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, BP und TotalEnergies.

19.10.2022 - 14:29 [ ]

NOPEC Bill Would Mean The End Of Aramco And OPEC As We Know Them


Riyadh’s alignment with Russia definitively started during that War and was irrevocably strengthened when Moscow agreed to support then-beleaguered Saudi Arabia and OPEC in their first post-Oil Price War production announcement at the end of 2016, forming ‘OPEC+’ (‘plus’ Russia) in the process. And Saudi Arabia’s move towards the autocracies of the East, with which its own autocracy is naturally aligned, was definitively concluded with China when Beijing allowed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) to save face, and probably his eventual succession to the kingship as well, by offering to privately buy in 2017 all five percent of his disastrously conceived initial public offering of Saudi Aramco. Last week’s Saudi-led shock two million barrels per day (bpd) collective crude oil production cuts shows that MbS personally has nothing but contempt for the U.S., so it is little wonder that key figures in the West Wing of the White House are taking it so personally.

02.09.2020 - 09:45 [ NPR ]

‚Blood And Oil‘ Traces Mohammed Bin Salman‘s Rise As A Ruthless Saudi Leader

When ground radios failed to work, Saudi pilots had to fly low enough to use their cellphones to communicate with mission control. Mohammed bin Salman had assured his father and U.S. officials the Yemen operation would be over in a couple of months. Five years on, the Saudi-led air campaign continues. Airstrikes have killed thousands of civilians, and Yemen is now considered the largest humanitarian disaster in the world.

11.12.2019 - 19:14 [ LA Times ]

Saudi Aramco surges 10% in dramatic debut, pushing value to more than $1.8 trillion

Saudi Arabia’s oil company Aramco gained 10% in its first moments on the stock market Wednesday in a dramatic debut that held until closing and pushed its value up to $1.88 trillion, surpassing Apple as the largest listed company in the world.

20.11.2018 - 20:56 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Business as usual

Teil des geplanten Deals ist der Einstieg von SAMI bei Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM), dem südafrikanischen Ableger der Düsseldorfer Waffenschmiede Rheinmetall, an dem Denel 49 Prozent hält. RDM hat bereits eine Munitionsfabrik für die staatseigene saudische MIC (Military Industries Corporation) gebaut, in der seit März 2016 Mörser- und Artilleriemunition sowie 500- bis 2.000-Pfund-Bomben für die saudische Luftwaffe gefertigt werden. Berichten zufolge betreut RDM die Fabrik weiterhin ( berichtete [4]). Wie es jetzt heißt, will SAMI den Denel-Anteil an RDM teilweise oder ganz übernehmen.[5] Dies geschieht offenbar in der Absicht, mit Hilfe des Rheinmetall-Ablegers den Aufbau der saudischen Rüstungsindustrie weiter zu forcieren. Als südafrikanisches Joint Venture ist RDM von deutschen Rüstungsexportvorschriften nicht betroffen und kann frei über seine Zusammenarbeit mit SAMI entscheiden. Unklar ist, ob der geplante Deal auch Thema bei den Gesprächen ist, die Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier in diesen Tagen in Pretoria führt.

09.06.2018 - 18:38 [ ]

Papst appelliert an Öl- und Investmentmanager

Die Tagung am Sitz der Päpstlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften stand unter dem Thema „Energiewende und Sorge für unser gemeinsames Haus”. Zu den Teilnehmern gehörten die geschäftsführenden Manager von BP und Exxon, Bob Dudley und Darren Woods, der Chef des Vermögensverwalters BlackRock, Larry Fink, der frühere US-Energieminister Ernest Moniz und der Leiter des japanischen Pensionsfonds, Hiro Mizuno, zudem Mark Moody-Stuart als Direktor von Saudi Aramco und die Chefin des Ölkonzerns Occidental Petroleum, Vicki Hollub.