Archiv: Electroverse (independent media)

24.04.2023 - 08:59 [ ]

No, Antarctic Ice Isn’t Melting Into Oblivion; + Shiveluch Erupts (Again)

If the world’s propagandizing ‘news’ outlets insist on reporting that Antarctica sea ice is melting in oblivion–which NASA reveals it most certainly isn’t–then they need to come up with a new mechanism to support it, because temperatures, clearly, are playing no part.

26.12.2022 - 06:31 [ ]

Cold Records Shattered Across Canada, Driving Energy Usage To All-Time Highs; Extreme Freeze Sweeps U.S.; Blizzards Hit Hawaii; + Wintry Weather Traps 300 Oil Workers On North Sea Rig

(December 21, 2022)

As hinted at above, Mauna Loa began erupting on Nov 27 and stopped on Dec 13.

It was the first time it has actively erupted since 1984 (solar minimum of cycle 20) — and is a sign of the times…

Volcanic eruptions are one of the key climatic forcings driving Earth into its next bout of global cooling. They have been shown to increase in both number and explosivity during times of prolonged solar decline, which is thought to be due to an influx of cosmic rays (CRs) penetrating/exciting silica-rich magma. During solar mins the Sun’s magnetic field weakens and the outward pressure of the solar wind decreases, which allows more CRs to enter the inner solar system, including our planet’s atmosphere.

26.12.2022 - 06:11 [ ]

Cold Wave Grips East Asia, Felling All-Time Snowfall Records Across Japan; Historic Snow In Moscow; + Christmas Freeze: Extreme Cold/Snow To Blast North America Over The Holidays

(December 19, 2022)

The COLD TIMES are returning, North America, in line with historically low solar activity.

01.11.2021 - 09:09 [ ]

Corruption Of The Peer-Review And Publishing Process: “Follow The Silence”

On that thread, and at the risk of losing my advertising again, scientific integrity has managed to sink even lower since the onset of the pandemic. As noted by Dr. Bret Weintstein in a recent DarkHorse video (embedded below), a new and much anticipated study into the prevalence of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) following a COVID vaccination has, at the eleventh hour, been refused by the publishers — this is even though the paper passed the peer-review process!

As Dr. Weinstein, an environmental biologist, explains: “This paper had passed peer-review and was headed for publication when the Elsevier Journal, a cardiology journal, replaced the pre-print of the paper with a note saying that it had been removed.”

25.10.2021 - 18:37 [ ]

NASA caught “adjusting” Global Temperature Graph — AGAIN

(July 20, 2021)

In what Dr Higgs calls yet another manipulation of the data, in early 2021, NASA discreetly lowered the 2016 global average temperature –previously the highest on record– to make the year 2020 seem like the hottest.

NASA play these ‘games of adjustment’ all the time, and each and every time, without fail, their tweaks support the man-made global warming narrative.

Below are copies of NASA’s 1880-2020 global temperature chart ‘before & after’ their most recent “adjustment”: