Archiv: booting Yuli Edelstein

19.05.2023 - 11:25 [ @YuliEdelstein / Twitter ]

אין מרגש ונכון יותר מאשר לחגוג יחד עם עשרות אלפי אחיותנו ואחינו את 56 השנים לשחרור ירושלים ואיחודה. בעזרת השם ובאהבת חינם, נחגוג יחד לעוד שנים רבות, ארוכות ובטוחות ונאמר אמן! עם ישראל חי, וליבו – ירושלים המאוחדת לעד!

23.12.2020 - 19:27 [ Haaretz ]

Coronavirus Live: Four People Test Positive for New Strain of Coronavirus in Israel


A fourth case had been discovered in an Israeli who had not been abroad recently. The Health Ministry said they are investigating the case and will update accordingly.

„Over the past few days we are making a concerted effort to check that the mutation from Britain has not infiltrated [Israel]. Until several minutes ago, we had been optimistic, and now we are less optimistic,“ Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said.

26.03.2020 - 14:15 [ ]

Israel: Vote for Knesset Speaker to be held Thursday, Supreme Court orders

Israel‘s Supreme Court ordered a Thursday vote to elect a new Knesset (Israeli Parliament) speaker after Yuli Edelstein announced his resignation Wednesday, allowing senior MKAmir Peretz to lead the plenary.

The court decided late Wednesday night to hold the vote Thursday.

26.03.2020 - 02:55 [ Haaretz / Twitter ]

The High Court ruled Thursday overnight that chairman of the Labor Party Amir Peretz will be appointed as the temporary Knesset Speaker

26.03.2020 - 01:52 [ Haaretz ]

High Court Appoints Temporary Knesset Speaker to Elect Replacement

In the ruling, Supreme Court President Justice Esther Hayut attacked Edelstein, saying he had committed „an unprecedented violation of the rule of law.“ Hayut had strongly criticized Edelstein‘s decision to lock the plenary contrary to the court‘s decision.

Earlier, the High Court debated a petition to accuse Edelstein of dishonoring the court, after he resigned earlier Wednesday, locking the Knesset plenum contrary to the court‘s decision, which ruled that a new Speaker will be selected by Wednesday midnight.

26.03.2020 - 00:29 [ Haaretz ]

Knesset Mutiny, Produced and Directed by Netanyahu, Will Live in Infamy

Never before has such a senior public official – Edelstein is second in line to President Rivlin in the state’s official hierarchy – thumbed his nose so directly at Israel’s judicial system, sparking an unprecedented constitutional crisis in the midst of the coronavirus crisis which is plaguing both Israel and the world.

There’s no direct analogy, of course, with the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor that spurred FDR to make his famous “infamy speech” while asking Congress to approve a declaration of war against Japan – other than in the potential if not existential threat that Edelstein’s move poses to Israel’s future.

25.03.2020 - 14:06 [ Haaretz ]

Knesset Speaker Resigns, Subverts High Court Ruling to Hold Vote on His Replacement

According to Knesset protocols, Edelstein‘s resignation will come into effect within 48 hours. The Knesset won’t be able to vote on a new Knesset speaker until then, and Edelstein said that the Knesset will not be able to convene for a vote until Monday. Benny Gantz‘s Kahol Lavan is looking into ways to circumvent the protocols and appoint an acting Knesset speaker.

25.03.2020 - 14:02 [ ]

Netanjahu-Verbündeter tritt als Parlamentspräsident zurück

Nach starkem Druck der Opposition zu seiner Ablösung hat Israels Parlamentspräsident Juli Edelstein heute seinen Rücktritt erklärt. Der Schritt erfolgte vor einer erwarteten Abstimmung über einen neuen Parlamentspräsidenten. Das höchste Gericht in Jerusalem hatte festgelegt, die Wahl müsse spätestens heute abgehalten werden.

25.03.2020 - 04:20 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Backs Off of Unity With Netanyahu, Eyes Control of Parliament Instead

While last week Gantz agreed in principle to join a unity government with Likud that would be headed by Netanyahu for a limited period until Gantz replaced him, he has pulled back following criticism from supporters.

“First, we will get Israeli democracy back to working – and later we will form a government that will deal with the coronavirus and the other challenges that are on the line,” Gantz wrote on Facebook on Tuesday. “We must not let the coronavirus crisis, which requires thorough attention – medical, social and economic – trample over Israeli democracy. Not on my watch.”

25.03.2020 - 04:09 [ ]

Netanyahu‘s Likud accuses Blue and White of ‚stealing the Parliament‘

Other special committees to be established will focus on education, violence in Israeli Arab communities and labor and welfare; the four special panels will need to be approved by the plenum Tuesday.

These included Finance and Foreign Affairs and Defense panels, with the latter set to establish a special committee that will supervise the contentious Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency)-led coronavirus patients surveillance program.

23.03.2020 - 22:04 [ Anshel Pfeffer / Twitter ]

Didn’t take long for the High Court to get back to Edelstein and now they’re not “requesting” any more. They’re ordering him in a 19-page ruling to let the vote for his replacement go ahead by Wednesday + accusing him of undermining democracy.

Crazy turn of events.

23.03.2020 - 21:41 [ ]

High Court rules Edelstein must allow vote for new Speaker

The High Court ruled in a unanimous decision Monday that Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein must convene the Knesset no later than Wednesday, to elect his replacement.

23.03.2020 - 20:08 [ ]

Israel: Edelstein poised to answer High Court as Likud members call to defy ruling

Israel’s High Court of Justice approved Knesset (Israel‘s Parliament) Speaker Yuli Edelstein‘s request to submit his answer today at 9 pm (local time) regarding whether he will convene a parliamentary vote for his replacement.

23.03.2020 - 20:05 [ ]

Israel: Supreme Court hears petition on replacing Knesset Speaker Edelstein

Throughout Israel’s 72-year existence, the Knesset Speaker had only been replaced once a new government was sworn in. Thus, replacing Edelstein before a government is formed would represent an unprecedented move, even with a majority vote.

23.03.2020 - 20:03 [ ]

Israel‘s top court orders parliament to clarify speaker vote

The Supreme Court on Monday ordered the country‘s parliament to reconvene for the selection of a new speaker, dealing a blow to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as he tries to steer the country through the coronavirus crisis and fend off a looming corruption trial.

The current speaker, Yuli Edelstein of Netanyahu‘s Likud party, suspended the parliament‘s activities last week, citing procedural issues and restrictions on large gatherings due to the virus.

23.03.2020 - 15:15 [ Ynet ]

Hundreds protest in front of Knesset, calling on speaker to resign

Edelstein, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s ruling Likud party, last week suspended parliamentary activities, preventing the newly elected legislature from choosing a new speaker and forming committees critical to the country‘s fight against coronavirus.

23.03.2020 - 11:55 [ Alec Pollard / Twitter ]

Lawmakers arrive at first session of Israeli #Knesset greeted by protesters demanding to replace speakers of the parliament @YuliEdelstein . @Likud_Party say if he is replaced they will scuttle unity government .

23.03.2020 - 10:49 [ Haaretz ]

Coronavirus Crisis Accelerates Israel’s Slide Into Erdogan-style Authoritarianism

Monday is an important test for Israeli democracy. The Knesset is due to resume its deliberations amidst the political crisis and the spread of the coronavirus.

If the Knesset chairman Yuri Edelstein, backed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his political hatchetmen from Likud, continue with their delay tactics to prevent the legislative branch performing its duty, Israel will win the dubious title of the only „parliamentary democracy“ to fail to recognize the results of its last democratic general election and to be governed by an inoperative parliament.

22.03.2020 - 10:48 [ Haaretz ]

Knesset Speaker Edelstein and His Puppet Master Netanyahu, Free Israel‘s Parliament

Since a majority of Knesset members – 61 out of 120 – oppose the government, Edelstein was dispatched to block the activity of the legislature and prevent it from voting in a new speaker. It is inconceivable that a temporary speaker would use his authority to set the agenda in order to prevent the selection of a permanent speaker. It is parliamentary bullying, and it must stop immediately.

18.03.2020 - 19:49 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Blue and White going to court to force Knesset to meet

Blue and White expressed outrage, accusing Edelstein of „trampling Israeli democracy at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s behest.“ The party said it would appeal to the Supreme Court against Edelstein on Thursday to force him to convene the plenum and „end the craziness.“

18.03.2020 - 19:22 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz‘s Party Seeks Vote on New Knesset Speaker on Monday


Replacing Edelstein could let Kahol Lavan push through legislation to prevent Netanyahu from forming a government while under indictment