Daily Archives: 16. Oktober 2022

16.10.2022 - 18:34 [ MorningConsult.com ]

After OPEC+ Cuts Oil Supplies, Nearly Half of U.S. Voters Support ‘NOPEC’ Bill

(October 12, 2022)

There appears to be plenty of room for persuasion on the issue: Over a third of voters said they didn’t know or had no opinion on the topic.

16.10.2022 - 18:20 [ @JavierBlas / Nitter ]

US politicians are at it again: trying to pass the „No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels“ or NOPEC Act. But let me show you a piece of history: 21 years ago, then Senator Biden (with the late Senator Specter) wrote to President Clinton urging the White House to sue OPEC

(17 Nov 2021)

The Biden-Spetcer letter explored two ways in which the two senators thought the US government could sue the cartel, one in US federal court and another one in, be prepared for it, the International Court of Justice at the Hague. The record is here:

Another piece of trivia-history. In 2007, then Senator Biden was a ‚co-sponsor‘ of NOPEC legislation in the Senate (via an amendment). Despite co-sponsoring the amendment, Biden later „did not vote“ for it (abstention). The record is here:

16.10.2022 - 17:50 [ @AZgeopolitics / Nitter ]

Jake Sullivan says Biden has no plans to meet with the Saudi crown prince at the G20 summit.

16.10.2022 - 17:20 [ @AZgeopolitics / Nitter ]

NBC journalist-„Putin is not yet winning the war in Ukraine“ Lukashenko-„As for the Ukrainian conflict as you say Putin is not winning at the moment,but in this moment you don‘t win too,50 states are now at war with Russia on the teritory of Ukraine,you don‘t win either“


16.10.2022 - 16:55 [ NBC News ]

Watch in full: NBC News exclusive interview with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko

In his exclusive interview with the close ally of Vladimir Putin, NBC News’ Keir Simmons asked President Lukashenko about the war in Ukraine, mass graves, the Russian leader’s state of mind, and the possibility that nuclear weapons could be used.

16.10.2022 - 07:16 [ Tass.com ]

Solution to Ukraine conflict may be found within a week, it depends on US, UK – Lukashenko


The Ukraine conflict may be resolved within a week, and that depends on the United States and the United Kingdom, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview with NBC, excerpts of which were quoted by BelTA news agency on Saturday.

„It all depends on the US and the UK. If tomorrow you realize that we need to sit down at the negotiating table and find a solution, believe me, we will find a solution within a week,“ Lukashenko said.

16.10.2022 - 07:12 [ Tass.com ]

Eleven killed in terrorist attack at training range in Belgorod Region — Defense Ministry

„On October 15, two citizens of a CIS country committed an act of terror at training range of the Western Military District in the Belgorod Region,“ the ministry said.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that the terrorists opened fire using small arms at the unit’s military personnel during a shooting training session, which was attended by those willing to take part in the special military operation.

16.10.2022 - 06:30 [ de.RT.com ]

Russland: Mindestens elf Tote bei Anschlag auf Militäreinheit nahe Belgorod

Das russische Militär hat bisher keine weiteren Einzelheiten über den Angriff oder die Identität der Angreifer bekanntgegeben. Es ist auch unklar, ob es sich bei den Getöteten und Verletzten um Militärs oder Zivilisten handelt. (…)

Der Vorfall soll sich am Morgen des 15. Oktober bei Schießübungen direkt auf dem Übungsgelände ereignet haben. Unbestätigten Berichten zufolge sollen zwei Bewaffnete das Maschinengewehr, mit dem sie das Schießen übten, auf eine Gruppe von Personen gerichtet haben, die auf ihren Einsatz warteten, und das Feuer eröffnet haben.

16.10.2022 - 06:24 [ BBC ]

Belgorod shooting: Gunmen kill 11 in attack on Russian trainee soldiers

„During a firearms training session with individuals who voluntarily expressed a desire to participate in the special military operation [against Ukraine], the terrorists opened fire with small arms on the personnel of the unit,“ Ria cited a defence ministry statement as saying.

„As a result of the shooting, 11 people were fatally wounded. Another 15 people with wounds of varying severity were taken to a medical facility,“ it said.