Archiv: West Virginia

25.10.2020 - 13:52 [ Paula Jean Swearengin, US Senate candidate / Twitter ]

We need Senators with the courage to fight for the Reclaim Act – a piece of legislation that would appropriate millions to revitalizing small towns all over the coal fields. The people of southern WV deserve a fighter, & I will never forget where I came from! #CoalMinersDaughter

19.10.2020 - 04:42 [ Jen Perelman / Twitter ]

Paula Jean Swearengin is grassroots funded. Senator Capito is corporate funded. I support Paula Jean bc #IStandWithWV & hope you will too!

06.10.2020 - 18:50 [ The Herald-Dispatch / Twitter ]

Six years ago, Shelley Moore Capito became the first woman elected to represent West Virginia in the United States Senate. Now she is engaged in a re-election battle against Paula Jean Swearingen of Wyoming County.

06.10.2020 - 18:49 [ Paula Jean Swearengin / ]

Paula Jean Swearengin for U.S. Senate

I’m a coal miner’s daughter and granddaughter. I’m not a millionaire. I’m regular-working West Virginian who knows what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck and fight to put food on the table for my children. I’ve seen first hand what struggle and poverty means for me, for my neighbors and for our communities.

06.10.2020 - 18:36 [ Hilary Turner / ]

Help us flip WV-03 blue

We are a people powered movement that does not take corporate cash, so we need your help to power us through this election.

We know our futures are dependent on winning races like ours all across this country.

06.10.2020 - 18:26 [ Cathy Kunkel - ]

For the many, not the few.

I am proud to be part of the WV Can’t Wait movement because I know that it will take all of us to build a West Virginia that works for all of us.

06.10.2020 - 18:18 [ Natalie Cline / ]

Donate to Natalie Cline for U.S. Congress in West Virginia‘s 1st District

Natalie Cline is the Democratic nominee for the United States Congress in West Virginia‘s 1st District. As West Virginia’s 1st District next Congresswoman, Natalie Cline will be focused on checkbook issues, reducing unemployment, making sure there is access to affordable health care for every West Virginian, and working hard every day to ensure that our children and grandchildren have opportunities for jobs locally so they can stay close to home.

25.08.2020 - 21:53 [ CounterPunch ]

The Architecture of Surveillance in Northern Virginia

Even assuming that most of their jobs are pointless, it’s a lot of damn people keeping our rebellious impulses in check. Then there’s Fort Belvoir, Andrews Airforce Base, Quantico, Anacostia-Bolling. US Defense Services. Navy Intelligence. Department of Homeland Security. The National Reconnaissance Office. The Bureau of Intelligence and Research. The Office of Intelligence and Analysis. The NSA, FBI, CIA. Booz Allen Hamilton. Boeing. Humana. Raytheon. BAE Systems. General Dynamics. Northrup Grumman. Lockheed Martin.

A truly high maintenance group, the ruling class.

06.07.2020 - 00:21 [ The Hill ]

Energy companies cancel Atlantic Coast Pipeline

The two energy companies behind plans to build a natural gas pipeline spanning from West Virginia to North Carolina announced Sunday that the project was canceled, citing ongoing legal battles over the pipeline‘s construction.

24.06.2020 - 16:14 [ ]

Mail carrier charged in West Virginia ballot fraud investigation

A press release from the Office of the Attorney General identifies the mail carrier as 47-year-old Thomas Cooper of Dry Fork, West Virginia. An affidavit claims he “fraudulently altered eight absentee ballot requests in Pendleton County,” by changing the party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. Cooper had access to the ballot requests because of his job as a rural mail carrier — he delivered mail in the three towns that the tampered requests came from: Onego, Riverton and Franklin.

10.06.2020 - 09:38 [ The New York Times / Twitter ]

Major problems with Georgia’s new voting machines are leading to long lines and widespread frustration statewide on a critical primary day


10.06.2020 - 09:15 [ New York Times ]

Major Problems With Voting in Atlanta as 5 States Hold Primaries


Georgia’s Seventh District was once reliably Republican territory, but it includes an increasingly diverse section of metro Atlanta. Now there are contested primaries on both sides for the seat held by Representative Rob Woodall, a Republican who is not running for re-election. Mr. Woodall won by fewer than 500 votes in 2018, and his opponent in that race, Carolyn Bourdeaux, is again seeking the Democratic nomination. Another Democrat in the race, Nabilah Islam, was endorsed by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.