Archiv: United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP)

01.05.2019 - 13:16 [ ]

May’s ‘silver lining’: Election guru says Tories will do better than expected at local elections because Brexit Party isn’t standing and UKIP are not contesting many seats

– Nigel Farage‘s Brexit Party is not involved and Ukip only has a few candidates
– The election guru suggested infuriated Tories might stay at home instead
– But he warned the election would still be ‚difficult‘ for the Conservatives

14.04.2019 - 13:31 [ Brendan Chilton, Director @LabourFutureUK / Twitter ]

Labour in the 2010s made the fatal assumption that UKIP would only damage the Tories and we’d come through the middle…just a plea (not that the party has ever listened to those of us in touch with working class opinion)…let’s not make that same mistake with the Brexit Party.

12.04.2019 - 12:59 [ ]

Nigel Farage unveils Jacob Rees-Mogg‘s SISTER as Brexit Party candidate: Mother-of-one Annunziata, 40, vows to beat ‚far right‘ UKIP in EU elections and ‘take back our democracy’

– Nigel Farage launched new Brexit Party and started war of words with UKIP
– He said party he used to lead lacks ‚good people‘ and ‚taken over‘ by the far right
– Farage says new home will do ‚brilliantly‘ and bet £1,000 on winning most seats
– Targeting UKIP, Tory and Labour voters upset that Britain did not leave the EU

11.04.2019 - 12:02 [ Kieran Lowe ‏/ Twitter ]

that it now looks like the UK will have to take part in European Parliament elections in May, with no clear way forward on Brexit, is pretty terrifying. Everyone will protest vote, the far-right will likely make huge gains, and get wall-to-wall media coverage. It‘ll be a disaster

07.04.2019 - 15:53 [ ]

Tory activists go on strike and donations dry up as Theresa May woos Jeremy Corbyn in Brexit talks

In a letter to the Prime Minister, more than 100 current and would-be Tory councillors state that they are unable to muster the volunteers needed to effectively fight next month’s local elections because “belief in the party they joined is gone”.

07.04.2019 - 15:47 [ ]

Tories on course to lose control of councils across country as Ukip ‚returns from dead‘ in Brexit backlash

Council leaders have told The Sunday Telegraph they are preparing for heavy losses in the local elections, amid fears voters are turning on the party for failing to take the UK out of the European Union on time.

05.04.2019 - 16:27 [ ]

Newport West’s by-election suggests Labour could struggle in a snap election

Ruth Jones (Labour):
Votes: 9,308
per cent (change on 2017): 39.6 (-12.7)

Matthew Evans (Conservative):
Votes: 7,357
per cent (change on 2017): 31.3 (-8.0)

Neil Hamilton (UKIP):
Votes: 2,023
per cent (change on 2017): 8.6 (+6.1)

05.04.2019 - 14:27 [ Sky News ]

Nigel Farage: ‚I‘ll stand in European elections – but I‘m not happy about it‘

„Am I happy about it? No I‘m not – actually I‘ve got many other things in my life I‘d like to do, I thought we‘d won the Brexit battle but I‘m not going to after 25 years of endeavour watch British politicians roll us over.

„This is the fightback and they‘re going to be very surprised by what they get.“

05.04.2019 - 14:13 [ ]

BREXTORTION: Theresa May begs Brussels to delay Brexit to June 30 – but EU want it to be a YEAR

But furious Brexiteers warned that if the EU forces us to stay another year, Britain should sabotage it from the inside by blocking plans for expansion.

Mrs May is expected to write separately to Jeremy Corbyn today, offering a compromise agreement which both party leaders could push through the Commons.

30.03.2019 - 10:51 [ DorisJohnson ‏/ Twitter ]

Hope this helps…

27.03.2019 - 06:41 [ ]

Westminster Voting Intention: Poll of Polls

End date: 22 Mar 2019
Company: Opinium
Client: Observer
CON 36
LAB 35
LD 7

End date: 21 Mar 2019
Company: ComRes
Client: Daily Express
CON 34
LAB 35
LD 8

End date: 19 Mar 2019
Company: Ipsos MORI
CON 38
LAB 34
LD 8

11.03.2019 - 14:42 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Farage’s Brexit Party Now Has More MEPs Than UKIP

A taste of things to come for MPs if they vote to extend Brexit – Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party now officially has more MEPs than UKIP. Eight UK MEPs now sit in Farage’s Brexit Party

26.02.2019 - 13:04 [ Michael Calderbank #GTTO / Twitter ]

Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage will be licking their lips at the prospect of Labour swimming behind a 2nd referendum/Remain