Archiv: Sergey Karaganov

05.10.2023 - 11:15 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Eskalieren, um zu de-eskalieren? – Wie in Russland über die Vermeidung eines 3. Weltkrieges diskutiert wird

Um diese Katastrophe abzuwenden, greift Karaganov zur desaströsen Strategie der „Eskalation zur De-Eskalation“ („escalate to de-escalate“). Diese Strategie besagt vereinfacht, dass in diesem Falle Russland mit dem Nuklearwaffeneinsatz offensiv drohen müsse. Wenn dies nicht zum gewünschten Erfolg führe, müsse ein umfassender, aber auf Europa begrenzter Nuklearschlag erfolgen, um dem Westen klar zu machen, dass Russland es sehr ernst meine und bereit sei, weiterzugehen.

28.06.2023 - 09:24 [ ]

‘Using nuclear war to save the world is like using a guillotine for a headache’: Russian experts respond to call for atomic strike

One gets the impression that Karaganov believes that the West can be stopped by a local and demonstrative “use of nuclear weapons”. But there is no comprehension of the consequences. And it’s not just the military but also the geopolitical component that is at stake. All those who are neutral or sympathetic to Russia today will turn their backs. The West is very much in favor of such Russian behavior. So why does the author suggest doing what is in the West’s interest? (…)

The US and NATO are pumping equipment and ammunition into Europe. They are increasing their involvement in Ukraine. They desperately need a move by Russia to isolate it on the world stage.

And then, like an egg delivered on Easter Sunday, comes Sergey Karaganov’s article. Coincidence or part of a pattern?

17.06.2023 - 12:00 [ ]

Sergey Karaganov: By using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe

I have spent many years studying the history of nuclear strategy and have come to an unequivocal, if unscientific, conclusion. The advent of nuclear weapons is the result of the intervention of the Almighty, who, appalled that mankind had unleashed two world wars within a generation, costing tens of millions of lives, gave us the weapons of Armageddon to show those who had lost their fear of hell that it existed. On that fear rested the relative peace of the last three-quarters of a century.

But now that fear is gone. The unthinkable in terms of previous notions of nuclear deterrence is happening – a group of ruling elites, in a fit of desperate rage, have unleashed a full-scale war in the underbelly of a nuclear superpower.

The fear of atomic escalation must be restored. Otherwise humanity is doomed.