Archiv: LA Times (media)

27.04.2024 - 05:20 [ LA Times ]

Column: The crackdown on student protesters shows exactly why we need them

After all, the division over the war in Gaza is by no means confined to students. As has happened with so many rifts in our country’s history, students have simply used their activism to become a prism reflecting the wider world. Which is why they need to be taken seriously, for all of our sakes.

If they do nothing else, the growing demonstrations are forcing us to confront who we are, what we believe and why.

What is happening in Gaza is not a war “over there.” It’s right here, right now, among our own children. And we all need to figure out where we stand.

17.11.2023 - 12:00 [ LA Times ]

Editorial: Cease-fire now. The killing in Gaza must stop

It has become impossible to distinguish between Israel’s decidedly non-surgical operation against Hamas militants in Gaza and the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians. When so-called humanitarian pauses in the bombardment and ground operations are too brief to realistically permit innocents to flee, or when there is no place for non-combatants to go that is not also in the line of fire, such pauses are so deficient as to be meaningless.

It is time for a cease-fire. It is time for the Biden administration to assert strong and sustained pressure on the government of Benjamin Netanyahu to stop attacks that have reportedly already killed more than 11,000 Gazans. The world cannot stand by to witness more slaughter of civilians.

11.09.2023 - 18:43 [ LA Times ]

Previously classified documents released by U.S. show knowledge of 1973 Chile coup

(Aug. 29, 2023)

Every once in a while, the voices of ghosts emerge to reveal dark chapters in U.S. political history.

The State Department with the CIA last week declassified two 50-year-old documents that had been withheld from public view that shed new light on the military coup in Chile that overthrew the country’s elected president.


The full extent of the role of the CIA and other U.S. players in the Chile coup has long been debated. While the Nixon administration was not thought to have had a direct hand in executing the coup, it appeared to fit the pattern of numerous so-called regime changes the U.S. clandestinely engineered over the decades in Latin America, Iran and beyond.

13.06.2021 - 18:08 [ Nicholas Goldberg / LA Times ]

Column: Israel is trying to oust Bibi Netanyahu. But will he really go?


So is this the end of the road for the man who has been the dominant Israeli political figure of his era? Is this the beginning of a sharp change in direction for Israel?

My advice? Don’t bet the house on it. And don’t count him out until you hear the prison doors clang shut behind him.

28.10.2020 - 03:14 [ LA Times ]

What if a state can’t agree which presidential candidate won?


For the 2020 election, the states have until Dec. 8 — six days before the electoral college must meet — to count votes and settle all election disputes.

03.04.2020 - 08:21 [ Michael Hiltzik / LA Times ]

Column: The suspect science behind Trump’s chloroquine claims


Chloroquine is dangerous when not taken under a doctor’s rigorous supervision, and its shortage can cause life-threatening consequences for lupus patients and serious health effects for rheumatoid or inflammatory arthritis patients.

The bottom line is that evidence for chloroquine’s effectiveness in COVID-19 is unsubstantiated. It derives heavily from the work of a controversial French expert in infectious diseases, Didier Raoult,

12.03.2020 - 20:18 [ LA Times ]

The mentally ill. The disabled. The elderly. The coronavirus hit hardest where the frail gathered


His lonely death in the early hours of Feb. 19 became a matter of urgent public interest when he was posthumously confirmed to have the novel coronavirus, becoming the first killed by the illness in South Korea. Six others who’d been housed alongside him at the psych ward at the private Cheongdo Daenam Hospital in the country’s southeast, all in their 50s and 60s, also died within days. Of 102 patients in the psych ward, 100 had contracted the deadly virus.

Authorities haven’t determined how the virus made its way into the locked ward,