Archiv: (independent media)

12.08.2021 - 15:31 [ Ehden Biber - ]

PfizerLeak – What If the Pfizer Contracts Were Declared Illegal?

These clauses raises up the following urgent questions:

1) Does a government, which is the executive branch in democracy, have the right to make an obligation to restrict the legislative branch (the parliament), as well as restrict the Judiciary branch of democracy (courts)?

2) Can a government make an obligation to foreign entities that they will have a right to oversight and vet the decisions of the legislative branch (the parliament), as well as decide whether or not the decisions of the Judiciary branch of democracy (courts) are valid or not?

3) Does these contracts represent a danger to democracy, especially as they were done in secrecy?

12.08.2021 - 09:05 [ ]

Covid Vaccines: The “LEAKED” Pfizer Contract


Since it was posted by Ehden, other “contracts” have leaked, which contain similar language and clauses. But, as these aren’t 100% proven genuine either, it would be wrong to use them to corroborate each other.

Stronger evidence can be found on the website of the Israeli Ministry of Health, where they have a (heavily redacted) copy of their “REAL-WORLD EPIDEMIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE COLLABORATION AGREEMENT” with Pfizer (we downloaded a copy of that too, just in case.)

These two documents do have some strong similarities.

12.08.2021 - 08:53 [ Ehden Biber - ]

מגה סקופ: הסודות בחוזים החשאיים של פייזר נחשפים (PFIZERLEAK)

07/08/2021 by Ehden Biber

אני עומד לחשוף לפניכם את הסודות הכי גדולים שהמדינה שלכם מסתירה מכם, המוסתרים בחוזה שלהם עם פייזר. מה שאתם עומדים לקרוא לא פורסם בשום כלי תקשורת ישראלי, ולכן החשיבות שלו היא ענקית.



12.08.2021 - 08:47 [ Ehden Biber - ]

We need to talk about PfizerLeak – Why I’ve committed a career suicide by posting leaked documents online?


If you haven’t heard about the #PfizerLeak, I congratulate you for listening only to mainstream media. So for those who have no idea what’s going on, here is a brief summary:

11.08.2021 - 14:56 [ Florian Warweg, Subcomandante en jefe / Twitter ]

Aus dem geleakten #Pfizer-Geheimvertrag und bisher kaum beachtet: „[…]Die Parteien erkennen an, dass das Produkt trotz der Bemühungen von Pfizer in der Entwicklung & Herstellung aufgrund von technischen & klinischen Herausforderungen oder Fehlern nicht erfolgreich sein kann.“


11.08.2021 - 14:01 [ ]

EKSKLUZIVE- Kontrata sekrete e qeverisë me “Pfizer” për vaksinat

(January 19, 2021)

Kontrata e shumëpërfolur ndërmjet qeverisë shqiptare dhe korporatës farmaceutike “Pfizer” është siguruar ekskluzivisht nga “”.

11.08.2021 - 13:51 [ ]

Pfizers Geheimvertrag geleakt – Kunden sind Willkür des Pharmariesen ausgeliefert


Biber gibt an, den albanischen Vertrag von der Webseite erhalten zu haben.

„Sie [] verdienen ALLE Anerkennung für das Durchsickern des Dokuments, und Journalisten auf der ganzen Welt müssen sich schämen, dass sie es nicht entdeckt und berichtet haben.“