Archiv: Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill

27.03.2021 - 15:53 [ ]

Which Justice Campaigns Were Spied On?

(14th February 2018)

Just as the infiltration of protest groups shows the counter-democratic remit of the spycops, so their infiltration of justice campaigns over a period of 26 years proves a key part of their purpose was to take an active role in obstructing justice.

The resources that should have established the truth and brought the guilty to justice were instead spent on undermining the grieving loved ones.

27.03.2021 - 15:46 [ @copscampaign / Twitter ]

The Met have admitted that #SpyCops targeted at least 18 justice campaigns by grieving loved ones. The real number is sure to be much higher. Resources that should have been spent catching killers were instead used to obstruct justice.


15.11.2020 - 11:27 [ Undercover Policing Inquiry ]

Undercover Policing Inquiry’s evidence hearings in November to go ahead

UCPI Evidence Hearings: Tranche 1 (Phase 1) | Day 11 (Mon 16 Nov):

10:00 AM: HN 336
2:00 PM: HN 340
4:55 PM: Summary of evidence of HN 333

UCPI Evidence Hearings: Tranche 1 (Phase 1) | Day 12 (Tues 17 Nov):
Non-sitting day

UCPI Evidence Hearings: Tranche 1 (Phase 1) | Day 13 (Wed 18 Nov):
12:00 Noon: Summary of evidence of HN 45
2:00 PM: HN 348
4:50 PM: Summary of evidence of HN 339
4:55 PM: Summary of evidence of HN 349

UCPI Evidence Hearings: Tranche 1 (Phase 1) | Day 14 (Thurs 19 Nov):
11:30 AM: HN 345
2:00 PM: HN 345
3:25 PM: Summary of evidence of HN 343

15.11.2020 - 11:21 [ ]

Why everybody’s talking about the public inquiry into undercover policing


The UCPI was established in early 2015 in response to a series of allegations that May said amounted to evidence of “historical failings” by undercover policing units. Among these allegations were that the parents of murdered black teenager Stephen Lawrence had been spied on while campaigning for justice – claims that the police admitted were true.

After finally getting under way in London last week, the jury-led inquiry is looking at how at least “139 undercover officers spied on more than 1,000 political groups” over a period spanning back to 1968, writes investigative reporter Rob Evans, author of Undercover: The True Story of Britain’s Secret Police.

15.11.2020 - 11:12 [ ]

MI5 worked with undercover police to infiltrate Vietnam protests

The collaboration marked the start of a secret police operation that escalated over more than 40 years, involving at least 139 undercover officers spying on more than 1,000 political groups.

The top-secret collaboration between M15 and Scotland Yard was disclosed on the opening day of public evidence sessions that are being held by a judge-led public inquiry into the undercover policing scandal.

15.11.2020 - 10:56 [ ]

‚Spy cops‘ inquiry will ‚get to truth‘ of tactics used by undercover police infiltrating activist groups over decades – after complaints that officers stole dead babies‘ identities and tricked women into sexual relationships


‚It has emerged that for decades undercover police officers infiltrated a significant number of political and other activist groups, in deployments which typically lasted for years.

‚The information reported by these undercover police officers was extensive. It covered the activities of the groups in question, and their members. It also extended to the groups and individuals with whom they came into contact, including elected representatives.

15.11.2020 - 10:18 [ ]

Government spycops law would sanction murder and rape by undercover police, MPs warn


A damning report published on Tuesday said the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill should not be introduced in its current form.

Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights said the proposed law “raises the abhorrent possibility of serious crimes such as rape, murder or torture being carried out under an authorisation”.

15.11.2020 - 09:58 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Einige interessante Geschehnisse im Vereinigten Königreic

In den letzten Tagen und Wochen gab es weitere beunruhigende politische Entwicklungen im Vereinigten Königreich. Dazu gehört ein wegen Corona ausgesetztes Demonstrationsrecht, zwei durch das Unterhaus gewunkene Gesetzesentwürfe, die den Geheimdiensten und der Polizei erlauben, Gesetze zu brechen, und Verbrechen von britischen Soldaten im Ausland nach 5 Jahren verjähren lässt. Außerdem wurde eine neue Art des Covid-Testens getestet. Eine Zusammenfassung von Moritz Müller.