Archiv: security forces

03.04.2021 - 15:46 [ Reuters ]

Myanmar protesters defy crackdown, five killed; junta hunts critics

Myanmar security forces opened fire on pro-democracy protests on Saturday killing at least five people, a protester and media said, as the military reinforced its bid to end dissent with arrest warrants for online critics and internet blocks.

13.03.2021 - 12:00 [ United Nation ]

Security Council Reauthorizes African Union Mission in Somalia, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2568 (2021)

The Security Council announced today its adoption of a resolution reauthorizing the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) until 31 December and maintaining its overall 19,626 uniformed personnel level ahead of the phased handover of responsibilities to Somali security forces, planned for later in 2021.

14.08.2020 - 01:55 [ Al Jazeera ]

Lebanon parliament approves sweeping powers for the army

The state of emergency allows the army to curb free speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press, as well as to enter homes and arrest anyone deemed a security threat.

05.10.2019 - 18:56 [ ]

Iraq authorities lift curfew as normalcy returns to streets of Baghdad

A number of protesters and security personnel have been killed as a result of the provocations.

On Friday, Iraqi police said in a statement that “unidentified snipers” killed two security forces and two civilians across the capital Baghdad earlier in the day.

Arab media outlets and observes have published reports revealing that the US seeks to drive recent anti-corruption protests in Iraq into chaos in a bid to install a pro-US regime.

05.10.2019 - 18:52 [ ]

Iraq‘s Sistani warns against using violence in protests


„There have been unacceptable and condemned attacks on demonstrators, policemen and properties in Baghdad along with a number of provinces,“ al-Sistani said in a statement.

„In different areas, the demonstrations have led to riots and bloody clashes that left dozens of victims and wounded,“ he added.

Sistani warned of the „serious repercussions of the use of violence and counter-violence,“ calling for „avoiding it in all cases“.

17.05.2019 - 18:46 [ France 24 ]

Pakistan PM Imran Khan makes first visit to Iran


Khan‘s visit to Iran, the first since he took office last year, also comes days after gunmen killed 14 members of Pakistan‘s security forces in the Balochistan province.

16.05.2019 - 20:41 [ teleSUR ]

United States security forces have broken into the Venezuela embassy in Washington

teleSUR reporter Jorge Gestoso on site outside the embassy says there are security service, federal agents and dozens of D.C. police officers heavily armed at the back entrance of the embassy. According to Gestoso the authorities dressed in military gear took up position in the embassy‘s basement where there are no surveillance cameras. This allowed U.S. authorities to make the arrests out of the site of the public and the media.

21.04.2019 - 21:39 [ PressTV ]

Pakistan FM details steps taken to secure border with Iran

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has briefed the media on steps taken by the country to strengthen security along its porous border with Iran a day before the Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is due to arrive in Iran for a long-awaited visit.

28.02.2019 - 00:32 [ Press TV ]

Thousands in Caracas rally in support of Maduro

The ralliers also commemorated the 30th anniversary of „El Caracazo,“ a wave of protests that began in Caracas on February 27th of 1989, during which hundreds of demonstrators were killed by security forces.