Archiv: right-wing extremist march Jerusalem 15-06-2021

16.06.2021 - 09:19 [ ]

Israel strikes Hamas sites in Gaza after incendiary balloon attacks

The attacks from Gaza came in response to the controversial flag parade in Jerusalem on Tuesday that had drawn threats of action by Hamas. The overnight airstrikes gave way to calm by morning, and there were no reports of casualties on either side.

16.06.2021 - 08:36 [ עומדים ביחד نقف معًا Standing Together / Twitter ]

The „March of Flags“ in Jerusalem isn‘t a peacful protest. It is a VIOLENT SPREE, where racist settlers attack Palestinian bystanders, burst into homes, all while shouting „DEATH TO ARABS!“ The new Minister of Public Security @omerbarlev from Labor Party was WRONG to allow it

16.06.2021 - 08:11 [ Tom Bateman ‏/ Twitter ]

#Israeli police beating a #Palestinian man who manages to escape – filmed by a colleague at #DamascusGate

16.06.2021 - 08:05 [ Times of Gaza / Twitter ]

The slogans used by Israeli settlers at Damascus Gate today:- *”Death to Arabs“ * “May your village burn” * “A second Nakba is coming“


16.06.2021 - 08:00 [ Haaretz ]

Seventeen Palestinian Protesters Arrested as Thousands Attend Jerusalem Right-wing March

Thousands of people took part in the controversial right-wing Flag March in Jerusalem on Tuesday, with police clashing with hundreds of Palestinian protesters near the Old City‘s Damascus Gate as tensions with Gaza run high after last month‘s fighting.

Mounted police and skunk water were used to disperse them, while at Herod’s Gate, police fired sponge-tipped bullets at protesters. Police arrested 17 Palestinian protesters.

15.06.2021 - 13:27 [ Haaretz ]

Jerusalem March ‚Provocations‘ Risk Reigniting Israel-Hamas Violence, UN Warns

The march was originally scheduled for Israel‘s Jerusalem Day last month. It was, however, diverted due to security concerns as clashes between police and Palestinians in the city intensified. Shortly after it began, it was dispersed due to Hamas rocket fire from Gaza toward Jerusalem, which lead to an 11-day round of fighting between Israel and Hamas.

15.06.2021 - 13:03 [ ]

Nationalistische Israelis: Flaggenmarsch schürt Sorge vor neuer Gewalt

Schon kurz nach ihrer Vereidigung steht Israels neue Regierung vor einer größeren Herausforderung: Vor einem für heute geplanten Flaggenmarsch von etwa 5000 Nationalisten in Jerusalems Altstadt herrscht Sorge vor einer neuen Eskalation der Gewalt. Der Marsch, den Palästinenser als Provokation ansehen, führt auch durch das muslimische Viertel der Altstadt.

13.06.2021 - 18:30 [ Haaretz ]

Bennett-Lapid Government Set to Assume Power. But When Is Netanyahu Moving Out?

Israel, unlike many countries, lacks a detailed protocol for the transfer of power, but the Basic Law on the Government explicitly states that “the government shall be established once the Knesset has expressed confidence in it, and the ministers shall thereupon assume office.”

13.06.2021 - 18:08 [ Nicholas Goldberg / LA Times ]

Column: Israel is trying to oust Bibi Netanyahu. But will he really go?


So is this the end of the road for the man who has been the dominant Israeli political figure of his era? Is this the beginning of a sharp change in direction for Israel?

My advice? Don’t bet the house on it. And don’t count him out until you hear the prison doors clang shut behind him.

12.06.2021 - 11:55 [ ]

U.S. warns Israel ‚far-right provocations‘ could light up Jerusalem

The Biden administration warned Israel that a Jewish nationalist march that was scheduled to take place in East Jerusalem next Tuesday could reignite violence across Israel and kick off another round of fighting in the Gaza Strip, Ynet has learned on Thursday.

U.S. officials conveyed to Defense Minister Benny Gantz they expected Israel to avoid moves that could further escalate tensions, and especially what they call „far-right provocations.“