Archiv: paper ballots

26.06.2023 - 10:06 [ ]

Electronic Voting Banned in Germany

(Sep 2, 2022)

Earlier this year, there was an important legal dispute in Germany, about whether electronic voting machines were legal for use in German government elections. The dispute was decided by the German Constitutional Court (similar to the U.S. Supreme Court), and the short answer was „no.“ Now, we have available an official English translation of the ruling. As I had been told before, the ruling really does seem to ban any kind of computing equipment from being used in German elections. The legal reasoning was interesting enough that I thought I‘d share one reflection on it. The basis for the ruling was the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (similar in function to the U.S. Constitution) and the principle that „all essential steps in the elections are subject to public examinability.“

26.06.2023 - 10:00 [ Library of Congress ]

Germany: Constitutional Court Decision on Electronic Voting

(Mar. 25, 2009)

The Court invalidated the Federal Voting Machine Regulation (Bundeswahlgeräteverordnung, Sept. 3, 1975, BUNDESGESETZBLATT I at 2459, as amended, available at This Regulation failed to require transparent control mechanisms for ensuring an accurate vote count and thereby violated article 38 and article 20, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Basic Law (the Federal Constitution) (Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (Grundgesetz, GG) [in English translation], (last visited Mar. 23, 2009)). Article 38 guarantees free and equal elections, whereas article 20, paragraph 1, requires that governmental power be based on elections and paragraph 2 guarantees that laws and regulations are in conformity with the Constitution.

26.06.2023 - 09:25 [ ]

Trump Wants to Make America Vote Like It’s the 1960s

(Aug. 16, 2022)

Republicans under Trump’s leadership view voting as a privilege that should be zealously guarded against those who can’t affirmatively prove their eligibility on demand or who aren’t able or willing to stand in long lines on Election Day under the watchful eyes of professional intimidators. All the fatuous talk these days of the GOP being the party of the working class is hard to square with its determination to maintain a throwback system of voting that makes it hard for working people to cast ballots during restricted hours on a weekday.

15.05.2018 - 12:00 [ ]

Florida to monitor Broward election chief after judge finds ‘unlawful’ ballot destruction in Wasserman Schultz race

(14.5.2018) In light of the ruling, Gov. Rick Scott’s administration — which has expressed concerns with how Broward County Election Supervisor Brenda Snipes has handled the case — told POLITICO that he’s reviewing the judge’s order and will have her office monitored.
“During the upcoming election, the Department of State will send a Florida elections expert from the Division of Elections to Supervisor Snipes’ office to ensure that all laws are followed so the citizens of Broward County can have the efficient, properly run election they deserve,” Scott’s office said in a written statement.

15.05.2018 - 11:56 [ For a People’s Party ‏/ Twitter ]

@Tim_Canova WINS LAWSUIT! Court ruled that Broward Supervisor of Elections illegally destroyed all paper ballots in our primary against Debbie Wasserman Schultz!

Tim is walking the walk on election Integrity & needs your help now. Small donations at