Archiv: Michele Flournoy

23.11.2020 - 11:41 [ Ro Khanna, Abgeordneter im US Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

Flournoy supported the war in Iraq & Libya, criticized Obama on Syria, and helped craft the surge in Afghanistan. I want to support the President’s picks. But will Flournoy now commit to a full withdrawal from Afghanistan & a ban on arms sales to the Saudis to end the Yemen war?

23.11.2020 - 11:22 [ ]

VIDEO: Top Biden advisors Flournoy and Blinken promise smarter, more secretive permanent war policy

Since the 1990s, Flournoy and Blinken have steadily risen through the ranks of the military-industrial complex, shuffling back and forth between the Pentagon and hawkish think-tanks funded by the U.S. government, weapons companies, and oil giants.

Under Bill Clinton, Flournoy was the principal author of the 1996 Quadrinellial Defense Review, the document that outlined the U.S. military’s doctrine of permanent war – what it called “full spectrum dominance.”

09.11.2020 - 21:15 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Flournoy: Neue Verteidigungsministerin?

Es war ja zu befürchten, dass der neue US-Präsident Joseph Biden keine radikale Abkehr von der Kriegspolitik einleiten würde, die er über viele Jahre in führender Position mit zu verantworten hatte.

15.07.2020 - 15:02 [ ]

How Biden’s Foreign-Policy Team Got Rich – Strategic consultants will define Biden’s relationship to the world.


They turned to an industry of power-brokering little known outside the capital: strategic consultancies. Retiring leaders often open firms bearing their names: Madeleine Albright has one, as do Condoleezza Rice and former Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen. Their strategic consultancies tend to blur corporate and governmental roles. This obscure corner of Washington is critical to understanding how a President Joe Biden would conduct foreign policy. He has been picking top advisers from this shadowy world.