Archiv: Marine Le Pen

26.09.2022 - 11:56 [ ]

Orban, Le Pen congratulate Meloni on election win

„Congratulations, a deserved victory,“ said Orbán on Facebook under a photo of the two leaders together.
National Rally leader Le Pen also hailed Meloni‘s „historic“ victory at the head of a centre-right coalition featuring League leader Matteo Salvini and Forza Italia (FI) chief Silvio Berlusconi.

20.04.2019 - 12:56 [ Patricia ‏/ Twitter ]

The FR are notoriously unreliable. Farage is close to Le Pen in ideology and I think she could persuade him in forming an alliance at EU parliament level and forget Brexit. I don’t want to give Le Pen allies.

20.04.2019 - 12:26 [ Brexit Watch ‏/ Twitter ]

Bad news for Brexiteers: Germany‘s AfD and France‘s Le Pen back away from calls for EU exit. This might be a trick to get more MEPs but if its not, it means no other countries will follow Brexit. Mr @Nigel_Farage what say you? @LBC


19.04.2019 - 13:14 [ ]

Le Pen drops ‘Frexit’ in favour of an ‘EU of the far-right’

Marine Le Pen has asserted that neither she nor her party want France‘s withdrawal from the eurozone.

Speaking at a gathering of her supporters on Saturday ahead of the European elections, the National Rally (RN) leader said that her platform would now “look to change the EU from within”.