(27.2.2019) Ils ont perdu un œil, une main, un bout de visage, ou leurs dents. En une fraction de seconde, leur vie a été bouleversée, parfois brisée parce qu‘ils marchaient pacifiquement au sein ou aux abords d‘une manifestation. Ils sont plus de 2000 selon les chiffres officiels à avoir été blessés par les forces de l’ordre pendant les manifestations des gilets jaunes. Nous sommes allés à la rencontre d’une trentaine de ces blessés graves à travers la France au cours des dernières semaines.
Archiv: CRS (Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité)
Sinon, il y avait aussi un petit groupe pour mettre le face à face CRS / Gilets jaunes en musique devant l’Arc de Triomphe #ActeIX
Des policiers habillés en casseurs
(30.12.2018) #GiletsJaunesParis #giletsjaunes06 #GiletsJaunes #GiletsJaunesEU #Ruffin #milice #PoliceBrutality #violencepoliciere #Honte #Russie
#Update: He is going viral! They are calling him the flying RAMBO and un afraid of the CRS police in #Paris! That is one though #GiletsJaunes protestor. #ActeVIII
Macron‘s hired thugs. These guys are more brutal than riot police. We‘ve seen them beat protesters including kids and women. They‘re the one to be wary of #YellowVests #Paris
Gilets Jaunes Infiltrer: Undercover French Police Wear Yellow Vests Too
Perhaps the most infamous clip to be uploaded to date — uploaded December 1, it‘s garnered almost six million views and over 7,000 shares in under a week — depicts masked individuals ambling through Paris‘ renowned Champs-Elysees. While they‘re in plain clothes, and some legitimate protesters have worn masks, the procession all wear red armbands, a signifier of plain-clothes police in France.
Police have charged the #GiletsJaune, batons being used, battering everyone within range, they‘ve just hog-tied one man. Note the police wearing jeans – agents provocateurs? There‘s still a huge crowd of #YellowVests though.
Macron‘s top-down approach to fighting climate change serves as a cautionary tale
While world leaders gather in Katowice, Poland, for the COP24 climate summit, protesters in the streets of Paris have successfully forced French President Emmanuel Macron‘s hand, undercutting his efforts to impose a carbon tax on French energy sales. Macron has made climate change and lowering greenhouse gases a central component of both his domestic and foreign policies, only to face dramatic failure at the hands of his „yellow vest“ countrymen.
You’d be forgiven for thinking this is some Middle East crackpot dictatorship. It’s not, it’s France, where the neoliberals’ wet dream, Macron, treats students like this. Ah, ‘moderate’ centrism.
French police continues to use unproportionate force against #YellowVests… A #GiletsJaunes protester was hit in the face by a gas capsule of the police, he was severely injured #France #MacronDemission #Paris
#Paris Un homme bras en l‘air reçoit un tir de flash ball quasiment à bout portant. Dans le même temps une grenade est envoyée sur la presse pourtant clairement identifiée. #GiletsJaunes #ChampsÉlysées #Acte4 #Insurrection #8decembre2018 #8decembre2018
13:24 #Paris cops targetted a protester directly in his belly from a short distance. Immediately after that cops shot at a group of journo‘swho are clearly visible as journo‘s. #8Decembre #YellowVests #GiletsJaunes Infos & video by @Steph_Roy_
13:00 Cops attacking #GiletsJaunes protesters with water canons and teargas at boulevard haussmann in #Paris. Video by @LabasOfficiel #8decembreParis #8Decembre #8Decembre2018 #GiletsJaunesParis #YellowVests #YellowJackets
Deux photoreporters de @le_Parisien touchés par des tirs de flashball de la police.
This is how the #ChampsElysees in #Paris looks right now
Paris police have fired tear gas on a group of yellow-vested protesters trying to march on the French presidential palace.
Follow live updates from the city here: http://po.st/1AoRXJ