Ihr werdet es nicht glauben – es git Dinge die ich nicht kann. Verkaufen, zum Beispiel. Ich will ehrlich sein, wie immer: ich habe ernsthaft überlegt ob ich überhaupt noch einen deutschsprachigen Artikel zu meiner Seite auf Patreon schreiben soll. Mich kotzt hier alles so dermaßen an in dieser Bananenrepublik, es ist kaum zu beschreiben.
Archiv: Presse, Medienkomplex, Kommunikation / press, internet, communication, media complex
Finally on Patreon.
Hi. For those who doesn‘t know me: I‘ve been working as an online journalist for quite some time. But first of all, I‘m an artist. It‘s overdue for me to appear here, but, you know, I had things to do.
Archiv: Internationale Kriegskoalition / international war coalition („Inherent Resolve / „anti-ISIS“) / established on NATO summit in Wales September 2014
(archive entries)
Pareto – An open source publishing ecosystem for uncensorable citizen journalism, powered by Nostr, Lightning and eCash.
The Pareto Project is a privately funded open source project based in Switzerland building publishing solutions for everyone to use, to develop and to build on.
Ohne neutrale Medien ist keine Demokratie möglich
Dieser Artikel kann kein Entwurf für ein Gesetz sein. Niemand würde ihn lesen. So verlockend die Idee ist, sich intensiver mit Details auseinanderzusetzen, so will dieser Artikel in erster Linie die Diskussion anregen, wie die Grundvoraussetzungen für Demokratie wieder neu für Deutschland erfunden werden können. Medien sind die Basis für eine Demokratisierung der deutschen Politik. Irgendjemand muss die Diskussion beginnen.
Wir haben das Problem, dass in Deutschland die im Grundgesetz vorgesehene Gewaltenteilung durch einen Konsens der „staatstragenden“ Parteien, und deren Gesetzgebungen der letzten Jahrzehnte, systematisch beseitigt wurde. Um eine Chance zu haben, dies zu ändern, muss zuerst die inoffizielle vierte Säule der Gewaltenteilung aktiviert werden. Der Rest folgt dann automatisch. Aber gerade wegen dieser Wichtigkeit für die Kontrolle des Staates, werden sich die politischen Parteien mit allen Mitteln dagegen wehren.
Der SPIEGEL: Die Sonnentemplersekte des Pseudojournalismus
Wer von Impfstoff-Umsätzen profitierte, wie Bill Gates (das beste Investment seines Lebens), hatte immer genug in der Kriegskasse, um mit der monetären Gießkanne den Mainstream-Journalismus zu bewässern. Für jede gebende Hand gibt es eine nehmende Seite. Bill gab und sie nahmen gerne. 300 Millionen US-Dollar ließ sich Gates seine toxische Finanzinjektion des Journalismus kosten (er spritzt sie echt alle tot). Mehrere Millionen gingen auch an den Spiegel.
Dieser zeigte dann sein wahres, korruptes Gesicht in aller Schäbigkeit: Wo auch immer es Gelegenheit gab für Gates’ weltweiten Impf-Scam zu werben: Die Schwachmaten-Truppe aus Hamburg war ganz vorne mit dabei, sprach u.a. von Geiselhaft durch Ungeimpfte (wer hat wen eingesperrt?) und davon, dass die ganze Republik mit dem Finger auf Corona-Kritiker zeigen möge (ein bis heute ungesühnter Aufruf zur Volksverhetzung).
31 Surefire Ways To Make Me Lose Interest In Your Thoughts About The World
There are signs I look for to show me whether someone is not worth the time and energy it would take to interact with them, which allows me to use that time and energy more productively. Here they are in no particular order.
Easiest ways to make me lose all interest in everything you have to say: …
Gaza, Umfrage, Deutsche
Archiv: Lebanese military has neither air defense nor airforce / factual authorization for Israel airstrikes / worldwide news blackout or silence
(archive entries)
Archiv: Israel-Russia military cooperation 2010 – present / factual authorization for Israel airstrikes in Syria while no Russian air defence / worldwide news blackout or silence
(archive entries)
Hinweis: wir wechseln die Zeitzone
Aus technischen Gründen wechseln wir zum Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Standard bzw der Zeitzone Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Note: we are changing the time zone
For technical reasons, we are switching to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Standard resp. the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zone.
John Pilger: Afflictor of the Powerful
In his many extraordinary films, books and articles, Pilger filled in what corporate media purposely left out: the industrial-scale human casualties of governments that dare call themselves democracies.
Pilger was simply doing his job as a reporter. What made him stand out exceptionally were herds of journalists not doing theirs.
A Bit About This Strange Little Project Of Mine
Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Caitlin Johnstone): Every so often I like to write out a basic explanation of who I am and what I’m trying to do here. As an entirely reader-funded writer I think it’s important to periodically lay out exactly what I’m about so that any patrons or…
If You Want To Help The World, Focus On Fighting The Empire
(November 23, 2024)
We live in a civilization built of lies and abuse, powered by lies and abuse, and defended using lies and abuse. Even the most kindhearted and well-intentioned among us struggle to bring about positive change, because the very fabric of our society is stacked against truth and kindness.
Will Washington Destroy the World?
(November 25, 2024)
Americans who think themselves informed because they watch CNN, read the NY Times, and listen to NPR, regard my warnings about nuclear war as disinformation, even hysteria. They say that US government officials, such as Secretary of State Blinken and National Security advisor Jake Sullivan, are not stupid or insane.
Dear readers, you tell me how you can give permission for the US and NATO to fire missiles into Russia, especially when the Russian President has clearly stated it means the US and NATO are at war with Russia, and not be stupid and insane.
WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Escalation’
Tension is soaring in the two insanely dangerous wars in Ukraine and the Mideast. We picked the brains of Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter and Ted Postol. Watch the replay.
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Jon Stewart’s Election Night Takeaway | The Daily Show
(12 hours ago)
Jon Stewart shares his takeaways from Election Night 2024: A glimpse into the fate of the presidency and the mistakes that‘ll be made all over again. #DailyShow #JonStewart #Trump
Jon Stewart‘s Debate Analysis: Trump‘s Blatant Lies and Biden‘s Senior Moments | The Daily Show
(June 28, 2024)
Jon Stewart goes live after CNN‘s presidential debate to unpack Biden‘s senior moments and Trump‘s blatant lies. #DailyShow #JonStewart #Debate
Jon Stewart kicks off The Daily Show‘s election coverage with a wellness check on America‘s two chronologically challenged candidates: Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
(February 13, 2024)
What an American Surgeon Saw in Gaza: Interview With Dr. Feroze Sidhwa
Tell President Biden to meet with Feroze and other healthcare workers who volunteered in Gaza: https://www.gazahealthcareletters.org/
The News Never Stops
(May 02, 2024
My life has changed pretty dramatically since I started working full-time as the News Editor of Antiwar.com back in 2020. I started out in a studio apartment in Brooklyn and now live in an old farmhouse in rural Virginia (far from Washington DC).
The way I look at the world has also changed quite a bit since my wife Alison and I had our two boys, Dave and Tim (literally the coolest kids ever). The future has never mattered more to me. I have also rediscovered my Catholic faith, which fits well with being a professional opponent of war.
Next generation will see us as a bunch of useless unprincipled people who allowed this Genocide- KP
Kwesi Pratt Jnr. condemns the recent genocidal attacks in Palestine, denouncing the U.S. as the primary promoter of conflict in the region. He also expressed concern for Ghanaian peacekeepers in Lebanon, who face attacks without any response from Ghana’s government.
#PATV #TrulyAfrican #FreePalestine #Politics
Archiv: Lebanese military has neither air defense nor airforce / factual authorization for Israel airstrikes / worldwide news blackout or silence
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Note for our feed subscribers
– all single feeds for our 10.000+ tags are now deactivated.
– of course, the main news feed stays operational (RSS / Atom).
– you can embed our news feed on your website or into a desktop widget (embed code here).
Downtime 24 hours for technical reasons. Work resumed.
We are still enhancing our technical capabilities.
Archiv: Lebanese military has neither air defense nor airforce / factual authorization for Israel airstrikes / worldwide news blackout or silence
(archive entries)
Archiv: Israel-Russia military cooperation 2010 – present / factual authorization for Israel airstrikes in Syria while no Russian air defence / worldwide news blackout or silence
(archive entries)
This news agency is on strike – until one of the most important UN resolutions of the last 57 years is public available!
Anadolu has seen it.
Reuters has seen it.
A resolution, the so-called „Palestine Authority“ would „likely“ bring into the United Nations General Assembly. Alleged content: the Israeli occupation force has to leave Palestine within a year (and therefor 58 years too late).
Now – where is the resolution?
ABC’s Linsey Davis will take center stage at Trump-Harris debate
When viewers turn on Tuesday’s presidential debate, they may recognize David Muir, who hosts the most-watched news program in television, ABC’s “World News Tonight.” But they may be less familiar with his co-moderator Linsey Davis, who has risen through the network’s ranks over the past 17 years and now gets the biggest test — and opportunity — of her career:
CIA and MI6 say agencies are ‚working tirelessly‘ towards ceasefire
In an opinion piece for the Financial Times, CIA director Bill Burns and MI6 chief Richard Moore said…
We’re back.
Unfortunately, this agency was offline in these decisive days. Technical issues, mildly spoken, are the price everyone has to pay in the free press.
To everyone of us: Bonne Chance!
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Honest. Dedicated. Journalism. Donate to Unicorn Riot
As we plan beyond 2024, your monetary support is crucial. We’re currently still locked into an extensive court battle over press freedoms with Energy Transfer, the multinational energy corporation behind the Dakota Access Pipeline. After years of fighting against their efforts to compel us to turn over documents from our reporting on the 2016 protests against the pipeline, we’ve been forced to spend $50,000 in legal fees. We need your help!
SearXNG instances: 75 online instances
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Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie: work resumed
– due to technical issues, Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie has been inactive for about a week. Ask no more.
– work has been resumed.
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Known DNS Providers
Here we suggest a list of trusted DNS providers.
Brief History of the Domain Name System
Jan. 7, 1958 – President Eisenhower requested funds to start ARPA.
Summer 1975 – The Defense Communications Agency (DCA) took over the management of ARPANET.
· November 1983 – The rapid growth of the internet caused massive problems in bookkeeping. To deal with this problem a group including Jon Postel, Paul Mockapetris and Craig Partrige published RFC 882 which created the domain name system (DNS) to make Internet navigation easier. With DNS, users can type host names such as “USC-ISIF” instead of “” Every Address would have information from specific to general.
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OpenNIC Public Servers
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OpenNIC – Looking for an open and democratic alternative DNS root? Concerned about censorship?
OpenNIC might be the solution for you!
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News at 3PM: MPs will vote on a #Gaza ceasefire following a debate. A Trident missile test has failed once more. The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is responding to queries at PMQs. MSF reports Israeli shelling of its #Gaza shelter. Syrian outlets report three deaths in Damascus due to Israeli missiles. Julian #Assange contests US extradition. #JulianAssange #BBC #News
It is hard to take seriously the claims that the state of #Israel is taking all necessary steps to prevent civilian casualties, when they end up attacking a known food convoy.
Exclusive: Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals | CNN
#Gaza ceasefire debate – live updates: Labour Speaker sparks fury with amendments decision.
The Commons is set to vote on an #SNP??????? motion for a ceasefire in Gaza, but the Labour Speaker has sparked fury by going against convention and selecting both the Conservative government and Labour amendments.
It‘s relief for Sir Keir Starmer, who could have been facing a sizeable rebellion from his MPs.
#StitchUp #FreePalestine #DefundIsrael #BoycottIsrael #EmbargoIsrael
Mastodon Search Results
A search function, you dummies, is not a tool where you fill in an „URL of a Bluesky post“.
How to Browse Bluesky without Login or Account
(December 28, 2023)
All you would need is to know the particular profile name to navigate to their handle and see all posts or have a direct link to any particular post.
Now if you do not have the posts’ link and still want to view it on Bluesky, there are some third-party portals that can help you with the same.
– Skyview: This web app offers a simple interface to browse Bluesky posts, threads, and profiles without logging in.
Privacy-oriented X front-end Nitter is shutting down following changes to guest accounts
Although some Nitter instances are currently still operational, it is anticipated they will cease functioning shortly as they expire. This development leaves those who were using Nitter to monitor or follow X/Twitter users without an account with fewer options.
Threads, Bluesky und Mastodon: Die Chance ist jetzt
Von sozialen Netzwerken und einer digitalen Öffentlichkeit erhoffe ich mir aktuelle Informationen aller Art, nicht nur als Journalist. Ich möchte wissen, was Politiker:innen schreiben, was Regierungen verlautbaren, was NGOs veröffentlichen und was spannende Menschen zu sagen haben. Ich möchte mir selbst ein weitverteiltes Informationsnetzwerk zusammenstellen, (…)
Wenn ich diesen Wunsch nach einem globalen Netzwerk im Mastodon-Umfeld äußere, sind die Reaktionen oft ablehnend bis aggressiv. Ich bekomme Dinge wie „Geh doch zu Twitter“ an den Kopf geworfen. Oder: „Ihr mit euren kurzfristigen, journalistischen Bedürfnissen!“, „Ihr wollt doch nur Aufmerksamkeit“, „Ihr mit Eurer Twitter-Kultur“, „Wir machen das hier aber anders und ihr müsst euch anpassen“.
Das macht mich wütend.
Louis Armstrong – When The Saints Go Marching In
just listen
UN-mandated ground troops from South Africa marching into Palestine to secure the free and fair vote for a Constitutional Assembly, following a popular vote and elections
(search results)
Testa – Interactive Map
Who is using TESTA?
To see which EU countries are already using our TESTA solution, click on a country in the map below. This is not an exhaustive list of public administrations but already demonstrates the value of TESTA in each country. You will get a list of currently identified national/local public authorities connected via their in-country national governmental network to reach TESTA – associated with the applications being used by these public administrations through TESTA;
The other groups using TESTA consist of
– The EU Institutions : European Parliament / European Council / Council of the European Union / European Commission / Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) / European Central Bank (ECB) / European Court of Auditors (ECA) / European External Action Service (EEAS) / European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) / European Committee of the Regions (CoR) / European Investment Bank (EIB) / Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) / Publications Office.
– the EU Agencies.
Trans European Services for Telematics between Administrations
The Trans European Services for Telematics between Administrations (TESTA) system is the private IP-based network of the European Union. TESTA is a telecommunications interconnection platform for secure information exchange between the European and member states administrations. It is currently handled within the ISA² European programme.
1st generation (TESTA): 1996–2000
Nitter: A Lightweight Alternative Interface To Twitter
Nitter’s advantages are:
– No JavaScript or ads
– All requests go through the backend — the client never talks to Twitter
– Prevents Twitter from tracking your IP or JavaScript fingerprint
– Lightweight (profiles pages tend be 60 KB instead of 600 KB)
– RSS feeds
There are also many other instances of Nitter.
Nitter Instance Uptime & Health
Last Updated 2024.02.04 09:37 UTC.
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Anybody heard from the ICJ ? #Palestine #ICJGazaGenocide #SouthAfricavsIsrael
hellooo… Antonio… good morning.. @antonioguterres #WarInWestAsia #UN #UNSC
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