Archiv: Tobias Ellwood

20.09.2020 - 21:17 [ ]

Calls to bring in the army to sort out ‚testing chaos‘

Former Chief Scientific Advisor Professor Sir David King and Defence Select Committee Chair Tobias Ellwood MP have told Swarbrick on Sunday the military should have a greater role in the Government’s approach to coronavirus.

09.12.2018 - 13:35 [ ]

NEVERENDUM: Brexit betrayal as Theresa May’s Cabinet allies hold secret talks with Labour MPs about a second referendum

The Prime Minister‘s deputy David Lidington, and Justice Secretary David Gauke, have been in talks with Labour politicians to see if there was support for a second vote – or a Norway-style deal.
Allies told the Sunday Times that most MPs are likely to get behind a second Brexit referendum, further dividing Britain.

12.11.2018 - 09:03 [ ]

WW3 WARNING: Russia risk ‚ESCALATING‘ as UK defence unprepared for ‚modern world‘ threats

BRITAIN needs new tools to counteract the „escalating“ risk Russia poses on the country as 1945 institutions no longer provide security against the modern world threats, warned Defence Chief Sir Nick Carter.

12.11.2018 - 08:58 [ ]

British Armed Forces are on standby for ‚every scenario‘ in the event of a no-deal Brexit, defence minister reveals

Defence minister Tobias Ellwood revealed contingency plans are being made in case Government negotiations with the European Union collapse.

His comments came after the head of the British Army, chief of the defence staff General Sir Nick Carter, told yesterday‘s Andrew Marr Show that the military was ‚thinking hard‘ about what no deal might involve.

24.10.2018 - 22:50 [ Junge Welt ]

Millionenschwere Kriegsspiele

In Norwegen sehen viele Menschen den Aufmarsch ausländischer Truppen kritisch. Die Zeitung Friheten etwa empörte sich darüber, dass der britische Verteidigungsminister Tobias Ellwood von einer »russischen Aggression in unserem Hinterhof« gesprochen und damit den Norden Norwegens gemeint hatte. Im ganzen Land werde es zu Protestaktionen kommen, kündigte der norwegische Fernsehsender TV 2 am Wochenende an und zitierte den Friedensaktivisten Harald Reppesgaard mit der Warnung, die Übung werde die Spannungen mit Russland weiter verschärfen.