Archiv: the strange finding of a Х-55 (Ch-55 / AS-15 Kent) missile near NATO training centre in Bydgoszcz (Poland) on 22-04-2023

17.06.2023 - 13:15 [ New York Times ]

Allies Pressure Biden to Hasten NATO Membership for Ukraine

(June 14, 2023)

The hope in the push is that once Ukraine is a full member of the alliance, Russia would not dare to try to topple the government in Kyiv because an attack on one NATO country is considered an attack on them all. Ukrainian membership has become a “consuming debate,” both in Europe and inside the Biden administration, according to one senior U.S. official who is deeply involved in the discussions.

Only Germany has sided fully with Mr. Biden, though some of the other 29 allies have their own quiet doubts about Ukraine’s readiness to fully join the alliance — and the risks that NATO nations could get sucked directly into a conflict with Russia in the future.

13.06.2023 - 15:41 [ ]

France, Germany and Poland back Ukraine’s counteroffensive in a show of unity

The leaders of France, Germany and Poland met in Paris Monday for talks focusing on military support for Ukraine’s counteroffensive and future security guarantees to be given to the country, ahead of a NATO summit in July.

13.06.2023 - 15:29 [ ]

Polish President Pushes for Ukraine‘s NATO Membership At Paris Talks

„Ukraine is waiting for an unambiguous signal regarding a clear prospect of membership in NATO,“ Duda said on June 12 after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Paris. The tripartite meetings involving Germany, France, and Poland, known as the Weimar Triangle, began in 1991 in Weimar, Germany.

09.06.2023 - 04:18 [ ]

NATO countries led by Poland may be willing to put troops on the ground in Ukraine – potentially dragging the alliance into war with Russia – former secretary general warns

‚The president and the prime minister will also discuss the joint US-UK leadership on critical emerging technologies as well as our work to strengthen our economic security.‘

Biden will then hold talks with current NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg on Monday.

Ukraine is set to top the agenda for their talks which will take place one month out from the summit and will give other NATO countries an inkling of what to expect from Kyiv‘s most powerful western ally.

08.06.2023 - 06:48 [ ]

Nato members may send troops to Ukraine, warns former alliance chief

Rasmussen said: “If Nato cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there is a clear possibility that some countries individually might take action. We know that Poland is very engaged in providing concrete assistance to Ukraine. And I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that Poland would engage even stronger in this context on a national basis and be followed by the Baltic states, maybe including the possibility of troops on the ground.

“I think the Poles would seriously consider going in and assemble a coalition of the willing if Ukraine doesn’t get anything in Vilnius.

06.06.2023 - 08:27 [ ]

A curious case of an alleged Russian missile in Poland

(7 May 2023)

Bydgoszcz, however, is about 500km from the border with Ukraine, meaning any potential missile would have travelled from the southeast to the northwest of Polish airspace. (…)

Last November, a Russian-made rocket did land in the southeast of Poland, close to the border with Ukraine, killing two farmers. (…)

By coincidence, or not, there is a NATO Joint Force Training Centre in Bydgoszcz, which staffs 170 military personnel from different alliance members.