Archiv: Steve Kirsch

05.10.2021 - 04:38 [ Achse des Guten ]

FDA-Impf-Hearing: Es wird ernst. Sehr ernst.

Das Hearing vom 17. September hatte es in sich. Über einen der dort vorgetragenen, besonders wichtigen Berichte möchte ich hier kurz berichten und dessen Ergebnisse dann mit dem neuesten Sicherheitsbericht des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts zu vergleichen.

Der Informatiker und Unternehmer Steve Kirsch hat als externer Berater der FDA ein Modell zu Abschätzung der Impfstofftoxizität vorgestellt. ……….

05.10.2021 - 04:13 [ Steve Kirsch ]

Have COVID vaccines killed~ 200,000 Americans?

Executive summary

1.CDC, FDA, NIH are spreading misinfo on vax vs. early treatment: Early treatment is being deliberately sabotaged
2.The data is clear: all the “experts” are wrong about vax safety
3.Our medical freedoms are being stripped away
4.Nobody prominent will challenge my conclusions with a better analysis even with large $ incentives
5.Debates → Government-driven censorship and intimidation
6.CDC and FDA won’t engage or investigate fraud.
7.Medical recommendations are now being driven by the White House
8.Vaccines don’t offer an all-cause morbidity or mortality benefit
9.Geert Vanden Bossche was right: vaccinate mid-pandemic → disaster

05.10.2021 - 04:02 [ ]

Public commenter, not FDA, falsely claimed COVID vaccines kill many


Kirsch, an entrepreneur with a background in banking technology who is funding research into COVID-19 treatments unrelated to vaccines, claimed in the meeting that “the vaccines kill more people than they save.”

To support his argument, Kirsch referenced data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a CDC- and FDA-run database of unverified reports of adverse events that occur after receiving a vaccine. The VAERS system does not determine whether a vaccine caused the events that are reported.