Archiv: Bangkok

19.09.2020 - 17:10 [ ]

Thai police seize 45,000 books about reform of the Monarchy

Police in the Khlong Luang district of Thailand’s Pathum Thani province held a group of Thammasat University students in custody today (Saturday), after they seized about 45,000 books, about reform of the Thai Monarchy, which were apparently intended for distribution to protesters at Sanam Luang.

19.09.2020 - 16:58 [ ]

Pro-democracy crowd settles in for overnight stay

The mostly young demonstrators, who began the day by assembling under a steady rain at the Tha Prachan campus of Thammasat University nearby, have also vowed to press for reform of the monarchy, an issue that has provoked strong reactions from more conservative segments of society.

However, an increasing number of seasoned protest veterans from the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), after keeping a low profile for the past few years, have decided it’s time to throw their support behind the movement.

19.09.2020 - 16:53 [ ]

Rally to go ahead whilst Thammasat lock their gates to keep the protesters out

In lead up to the start of today’s protest, expected to draw a large crowd, Panasaya Sitthichirawattanakul, one of the organisers from the Thammasat Alliance group, says that the Thai monarchy will again” definitely be raised” at the University’s Tha Prachan campus.

She came to the attention of the public, and police, for daring to read out the 10-point manifesto at the August 10 rally, that time held at the Thammasat University’s Rangsit campus.

19.09.2020 - 16:45 [ ZDF ]

Proteste in Thailand – Hunderte Studenten stürmen Uni in Bangkok

Vor der geplanten Großdemo gegen Thailands Regierung haben Hunderte Studenten das Uni-Gelände in Bangkok gestürmt. „Es lebe die Demokratie“, riefen sie und brachen die Tore auf.

18.11.2019 - 21:37 [ ]

Südkorea und USA beschließen Verschiebung von Luftwaffenmanöver

Ein Beamter des südkoreanischen Verteidigungsministeriums teilte am Sonntag mit, dass die Entscheidung in einem Gespräch der Verteidigungsminister Jeong Kyeong-doo und Mark Esper in der thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok gefallen sei. Dort findet zurzeit das sechste Verteidigungsministertreffen der ASEAN-plus-Drei statt.

18.11.2019 - 12:10 [ South China Morning Post ]

PLA ‘committed to protecting’ Hong Kong as stand-off intensifies

Stopping violence and restoring order ‘most urgent task’ for the city, China’s defence ministry says

Chinese and US defence ministers discuss Hong Kong at Bangkok Asean meeting while clashes continue between police and radicals

02.08.2019 - 15:53 [ ]

Nuklearunterhändler Südkoreas, der USA und Japans führen Gespräche in Bangkok

Das Treffen zeigt offenbar, dass die Kooperation zwischen den drei Ländern in der Frage der Denuklearisierung Nordkoreas ohne Einschränkungen fortgesetzt wird, obwohl Japan heute die Streichung Südkoreas aus seiner weißen Liste der bevorzugten Exportziele beschloss.

02.08.2019 - 15:47 [ Yonhap ]

Top nuke envoys of S. Korea, U.S. hold talks in Bangkok

Lee Do-hoon and his U.S. counterpart, Stephen Biegun, met Wednesday in Bangkok on the sidelines of a series of multilateral meetings involving the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

02.08.2019 - 15:41 [ Bangkok Post ]

Chaos in capital as bombings stir worries

The internet was soon alight with rumours and speculation, which authorities moved quickly to dispel. For a start, they, said, no areas of the city had been closed.

As for the identity of the perpetrators, army chief Gen Apirat Kongsompong said the usual suspects were involved, without naming names.