Archiv: Agnes Callamard

26.10.2021 - 10:45 [ Amnesty International ]

US/UK: “Drop the charges, stop the extradition and free Julian Assange,” says Amnesty head

Ahead of an appeal hearing against the decision by a UK court not to extradite Julian Assange to the USA, Amnesty International’s Secretary General has called on US authorities to drop the charges against him and the UK authorities not to extradite him but release him immediately.

The call by Agnès Callamard follows an investigation by Yahoo News revealing that US security services considered kidnapping or killing Julian Assange when he was resident in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. These reports further weaken already unreliable US diplomatic assurances that Assange will not be placed in conditions that could amount to ill-treatment if extradited.

23.03.2021 - 19:18 [ Al Jazeera ]

Top Saudi official issued death threat against UN investigator

A senior official issued a death threat against UN investigator Agnes Callamard following her inquiry into the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the Guardian reported on Tuesday.

14.11.2019 - 16:46 [ ]

Fall Khashoggi: UNO-Vorwürfe gegen Macron und Merkel

International sei nicht genug unternommen worden, um den Mord an dem saudi-arabischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi aufzuklären, kritisierte Callamard in einem heute veröffentlichten Interview mit der Plattform Business Insider Deutschland. Die nationalen Parlamente rief sie dazu auf, ihre Regierungen zu neuen Ermittlungen in dem Fall aufzufordern.