Archiv: Yoram Sofer

08.07.2023 - 14:00 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir‘s Tyranny Must Be Stopped

Because Israel has no constitution and lacks a tradition of respecting the law and fundamental democratic principles, it’s enough to replace a few key people – the attorney general, the governor of the Bank of Israel, the Supreme Court president, the police commissioner and of course the heads of the security services – to pave a fast lane to tyranny and internal repression.

So it’s obvious why Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir and their colleagues are working to replace a cadre of top officials in government agencies and making it clear that their replacements will be judged by only one criterion – their willingness to please the government and obey it without question.

04.06.2023 - 11:00 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Police Prove Their Loyalty – to Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir

This embarrassing conduct on the part of the police would not have happened if it hadn’t been for the guiding spirit of their bosses – Netanyahu; Itamar Ben-Gvir, the minister responsible for the police; and Kobi Shabtai, the police commander, who is currently trying to win reappointment for his fourth year on the job. In addition, Yoram Sofer, the police commander responsible for Caesarea, who Shabtai despises, considers himself a candidate to replace Shabtai. Sofer is currently Ben-Gvir’s candidate to command the Tel Aviv district police.