Archiv: "Wir wollen unseren Pharao / Kaiser / Oberirgendwas wiederhaben " / "We want our pharaoh / emperor / something-in-chief back! "

27.09.2023 - 09:11 [ New York Times ]

How Benjamin Netanyahu Pushed Israel Into Chaos

But while the judicial overhaul is unpopular — only one in four Israelis wants it to proceed, according to a recent survey by the Israel Democracy Institute — it hasn’t diminished the passion of Netanyahu’s core supporters. In a recent poll measuring suitability to lead the country, he and Benny Gantz, who heads the centrist National Unity party, were tied with 38 percent each. (By comparison, Lapid, the current opposition leader, trailed them with 29 percent.) For vast parts of the country, from the Jewish settlements in the West Bank to ultra-Orthodox enclaves to Israel’s impoverished development towns, he remains “King Bibi.”

23.07.2023 - 21:29 [ Times of Israel ]

Far-right minister says coalition to push for more judicial change: We demand reform

“We have 64 mandates that aren’t willing to give up on the judicial system. We have 64 mandates that demand judicial reform,” he says, referring to the number of seats the coalition holds in the 120-member parliament.

“We say to the High Court of Justice political party… we don’t want your reasonableness,” adds Eliyahu, a member of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party.

23.07.2023 - 21:12 [ Haaretz ]

Smotrich in Tel Aviv: ‚Overhaul protesters, way you feel now is how we felt in Oslo‘

Speaking to a crowd of pro-judicial overhaul demonstrators in Tel Aviv, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said: „Those against the reform, I understand how you‘re feeling, this is how we felt during Oslo,“ referencing how right-wing Israelis felt during the Oslo peace process led by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin during the 90s.

23.07.2023 - 20:59 [ ]

Over 100,000 gather in Tel Aviv in support of judicial reform as protests against continue in front of Knesset

Tens of thousands are heading to Tel Aviv from throughout the country to support government lawmakers as they prepare to vote for legislation to cancel the courts‘ reasonableness test; Meanwhile, anti-judicial overhaul protesters crowd the streets of Jerusalem

20.06.2023 - 16:20 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Seeks to Recreate the Old ‚King Bibi‘ With Strategic Judicial Overhaul Counterattack

The Bibi-ist camp has launched a multifront counterattack after several weeks of restraint, regrouping and garnering strength. Amid optimistic reports about cracks and quarrels within the coalition, its members unleashed their bombardment: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the return of pursuing the justice system‘s legislative „reform;“ threats of execution were directed at protesting air force pilots and former PM Ehud Barak; Bank of Israel Governor Amir Yaron was also threatened and called as savage…

28.04.2023 - 07:40 [ Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו / Twitter ]

I thank the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who came to Jerusalem tonight to support our government. Your passion and patriotism moves me deeply.

01.04.2023 - 06:22 [ ]

‘We want to be heard:’ Israelis backing judicial overhaul take to the streets

Waving flags of Netanyahu’s Likud party, some 20,000 protestors marched through Tel Aviv, the site of the largest anti-government protests over the last few months. “The nation demands legal reform!” chanted some of the demonstrators in the counter-protest.

The right-wing Im Tirtzu group organized the “March for Freedom” with the aim of “being freed from the restraints of the High Court,” declaring that the people “have chosen judicial reform.”