Archiv: State Intelligence Service (SIS) / Sri Lanka

01.05.2019 - 14:59 [ ]

MI5 boss warns of ‚startling‘ IS terror threat to Britain


Mr Parker said that his staff were doing “extraordinary things” to keep the country safe in the face of such dangers, thwarting plots and saving lives. But he cautioned that the increasingly “vast amounts” of material on smartphones and the scale of social media output meant that more data than ever was being created at the same time as encryption was making it harder for MI5 to access it.

01.05.2019 - 14:53 [ Sky News ]

Sri Lanka attacks: Islamic State may have ‚new strategy‘, president warns


Sky‘s foreign affairs editor, Deborah Haynes, said: „Investigators are looking in detail at how the attackers, captured on CCTV, seem to be looking at their mobile phones – potentially receiving instructions.“

President Sirisena explained that authorities are aware of „a small group“ of Sri Lankans who have travelled abroad to receive training from IS over the past decade.

01.05.2019 - 14:48 [ ]

Biz leaders, professionals send urgent action plan to President, PM


The group’s suggestion of the establishment of a single source of communication regarding national security matters (NSC Media Centre) is to ensure the Government does not let Ministers make ad hoc and often poorly-informed statements, likely with the desired goal of gaining local political mileage and international visibility. “This is confusing Sri Lankans, and embarrassing Sri Lanka on the international stage. It causes anguish among different communities, and also deteriorates trust in the Government,” they opined.

01.05.2019 - 14:39 [ Peace and Love ‏/ Twitter ]

Hmm. Interesting. President Maithripala Sirisena said he would seek “international assistance” with the investigation. Intelligence agencies have reported that “international organizations” were behind these “acts of local terrorists,” his office said in a statement.


01.05.2019 - 14:32 [ ]

Top officials allege President was briefed in advance of attacks


Questions are being raised about how much President Maithripala Sirisena knew about warnings provided by foreign intelligence agencies ahead of the Easter Sunday bombings that left at least 253 people dead and injured more than 450.

State Intelligence Service (SIS) Director Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police Nilantha Jayawardena provided detailed reports to the President on at least three occasions, authoritative and multiple sources with close knowledge of the inner workings of the Defence establishment confirmed to Daily FT.

28.04.2019 - 08:35 [ Colombo Telegraph ]

Exclusive: Srisena Briefed About Easter Sunday Attacks 10 Days Before: Protects SIS Chief, Lies About IGP And Defence Secretary

President Sirisena was informed about the foreign intelligence reports predicting the attacks on at least three separate occasions Colombo Telegraph can exclusively reveal today.
All three briefings were conducted by Head of the State Intelligence Service Senior DIG Nilantha Jayawardane. Jayawardane met Sirisena personally to brief him on 11th April and 16th April. President Sirisena then travelled overseas soon after the New Year holidays.