Archiv: Sputnik V (vaccine)

31.03.2021 - 03:17 [ ]

Merkel, Putin und Macron sprachen über „Sputnik V“

Der russische Pharmakonzern R-Pharm will das Vakzin ab Juni oder Juli im bayrischen Illertissen produzieren.

02.02.2021 - 22:20 [ ]

EU turns to Russia for Covid jabs: Merkel says ‚all vaccines welcome‘ and praises Sputnik V jab amid German shambles after Hungary accepts first batch and blasts Brussels failings

‚Every vaccine is welcome in the European Union,‘ Merkel said in an interview with German broadcaster ARD. ‚Today we have read good data for the Russian vaccine too‘.

Merkel also told ARD she had recently spoken to Russian President Vladimir Putin about the vaccine, which has been found to 91.6 per cent effective in trial results.

A batch of Sputnik V arrived in Hungary today, making it the first country to adopt the once-controversial jab.

12.08.2020 - 19:18 [ ]

Forbidden Op-Ed: The Sputnik Vaccine as a Lifesaving Global Partnership

The use of two vectors is the unique technology, developed by the Gamaleya Center scientists, which differentiates the Russian vaccine from other adenoviral vector-based vaccines under development around the world. Vaccines based on adenoviral vectors also have clear advantages over other technologies such as mRNA vaccines.

Prospective mRNA vaccines, undergoing clinical trials in the United States and other countries, do not use vectors for delivery and represent an RNA molecule with coronavirus protein code wrapped in a lipid membrane. This technology is promising but its side effects, especially an impact on fertility, have not yet been studied in depth. No mRNA vaccine has yet received regulatory approval in the world.

12.08.2020 - 19:17 [ ]

Impfstoff gegen Covid-19: Russlands Gesundheitsminister nennt Frist von Produktion erster Packungen

„Wenn wir zum Beispiel vom RNA-Impfstoff sprechen, der in anderen Ländern produziert wurde, gab es dann Publikationen – diese können Sie finden, wonach ein Teil der Impfstoffe ohne präklinische Forschungen erschienen ist und sofort bei Menschen eingesetzt worden ist, was in unserem Fall ausdrücklich nicht der Fall ist.“

12.08.2020 - 19:16 [ CNBC ]

Russia wealth fund head: Sputnik V vaccine could be delivered by November or December

„We were just fortunate that the coronavirus was very close to MERS, so we pretty much had a ready-to-go vaccine on MERS, studied for two years on MERS (and) slightly modified to be the coronavirus vaccine, and that is the real story, no politics … Russia has always been at the forefront of vaccine research,“ Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of Russia‘s sovereign wealth fund RDIF, which is backing the vaccine, told CNBC.

The World Health Organisation states that no vaccine or treatment for MERS is currently available, but says that there are several in development.