Archiv: Richard D. Clark

16.06.2021 - 09:33 [ ]

IDF chief Kohavi to make postponed Washington trip; discuss Gaza, Iran

Kohavi was initially set to meet with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, head of the US Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., and head of the US Special Operations Command Gen. Richard D. Clark, according to The Jerusalem Post.

21.06.2019 - 08:12 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

.@realDonaldTrump Your Iran strategy has been ill-advised and short-sighted. Change course now. Return to the Iran nuclear agreement before it’s too late. Put aside your pride and political calculations for the good of our country. Do the right thing.

21.06.2019 - 06:03 [ New York Times ]

Trump Approves Strikes on Iran, but Then Abruptly Pulls Back

It was not clear whether Mr. Trump simply changed his mind on the strikes or whether the administration altered course because of logistics or strategy. It was also not clear whether the attacks might still go forward.

Asked about the plans for a strike and the decision to hold back, the White House declined to comment, as did Pentagon officials. No government officials asked The New York Times to withhold the article.

21.06.2019 - 05:57 [ Haaretz ]

Report: Trump Approved Military Strikes Against Iran but Pulled Back After Planes Were in Air

U.S. President Donald Trump approved military strikes against Iran in retaliation for downing of American global hawk drone but pulled back after planes were in the air and ships were in position, according to a report by the New York Times citing administration officials.

The report claimed the order to halt attacks on Iranian radar and missile batteries came after intense debate at the White House among top security officials and congressional leaders.

21.06.2019 - 05:44 [ New York Times ]

Want War With Iran? Ask Congress First

From the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor in 1898 to the U.S.S. Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964, maritime incidents, shrouded in the fog of uncertainty, have lured the United States into wars on foreign shoals. Which is why cooler heads must prevail — and Congress must be consulted — as American and Iranian forces inch closer to open conflict in and around the Strait of Hormuz.

21.06.2019 - 05:34 [ ]

‚We are there to deter aggression‘ — Pompeo addressed CENTCOM on Iran mere moments before Shanahan announced his departure


Pompeo, who arrived in Tampa on Monday, met with Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr. and Army Gen. Richard Clarke, commanders of U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Operations Command respectively, to align the Government‘s efforts in the Middle East, according to Central Command.

The meeting focused on deterrence plans against Iran after U.S. officials blamed the country for two recent oil tanker attacks in the Gulf of Oman.