Archiv: Paz Esteban

05.05.2022 - 21:06 [ ]

Head of Spain’s intelligence agency under spotlight over phone hacking scandal

The near four-hour session of the ‘Official Secrets Commission’ was held behind closed doors by MPs in the Spanish Congress in Madrid on Thursday, with the spokespersons of all the country’s main political parties present, and in which four pro-independence parties were also present: the Basque EH Bildu, and the Catalan parties ERC, JxCAT and the CUP.

MPs pledged not to reveal any secrets and had to deposit their mobile phones in lockers before entering the commission.

05.05.2022 - 20:16 [ New York Times ]

Spain Says Cellphones of Prime Minister and Defense Minister Were Hacked


Officials said the devices were breached by the Pegasus spyware, made by an Israeli company, which is intended to track illegal behavior but has been misused by some governments.

05.05.2022 - 20:01 [ ]

Spaniens Geheimdienst bespitzelte Separatisten

Bei der Überwachung kam die israelische Spähsoftware Pegasus zum Einsatz.

Für jeden dieser Fälle habe CNI-Chefin Paz Esteban heute in einer parlamentarischen Kontrollkommission eine richterliche Erlaubnis vorgelegt, berichtete die Zeitung „El Pais“.