Archiv: Paul Craig Roberts

26.10.2018 - 20:21 [ Paul Craig Roberts / ]

„Mein“ gesperrter Twitter-Account

Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser:

Im Internet und in den internationalen Medien wird verbreitet, dass Twitter mein Konto gesperrt hat.
Das stimmt nicht.
Ich benutze keine Social Media.
Ich entdeckte, dass ein Twitter-Account in meinem Namen betrieben wurde.
Ich habe beantragt, dass der Account aufgelöst wird.

26.10.2018 - 20:19 [ Paul Craig Roberts ]

“My” Suspended Twitter Account

Dear Readers:

It is all over the internet and international media that Twitter has suspended my account.
This is not the case.
I do not use social media.
I discovered that a Twitter account was operating in my name.
I requested that the account be taken down.
I have no recollection of giving anyone permission to operate a Twitter account in my name.

21.06.2018 - 01:21 [ Paul Craig Roberts ]

I Remember When America Was A Free Country

Dear Readers, In the Western World truth, justice, and liberty are in total collapse. They cannot be resurrected and restored without information. Few people have that information. The young are born into what exists, and as the tyranny increases year by year, tyranny becomes the natural order to them. Indeed, they do not recognize tyranny. Their cell phones, social media, and the Internet give them the illusion of freedom. The old are lost in the controversies of their time: The Russians are communists, only hippies, left-wingers, and communists distrust the great and good US government. In short, the vast bulk of the American people haven’t a clue. When readers ask me to tell them the solution, what to do, my answer is that nothing can be done until enough people are informed. Informing is my job. Support my efforts and those of a few others whose only agenda is to inform.

In America, and throughout the Western world, it is harder and harder to speak the truth. Indeed, truth is such a devalued virtue that to speak it almost qualifies one as a criminal. If you want truth spoken, you must support it.

Now for the column: