Archiv: Yaakov Litzman

13.09.2020 - 13:24 [ Haaretz ]

Coronavirus Israel Live: Haredi Minister Quits Netanyahu Gov‘t to Protest Lockdown

Ultra-Orthodox minister and Netanyahu ally Yaakov Litzman resigned from government in protest over an expected lockdown on Sunday.

Litzman is the chairman of the United Torah Judaism party and construction and housing minister. He had threatened to resign earlier Sunday if the coronavirus cabinet votes to impose a two-week lockdown ahead of the Rosh Hashanah holiday.

08.04.2020 - 16:41 [ Communist Party of Irrael ]

Hadash MK Ofer Cassif Denounces Racist Attacks on Ultra-Orthodox

A leading member of the Communist Party of Israel, Joint List MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash) has denounced the growing number of attacks voiced in recent days against Israel’s ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) population, which has been hit hardest by the coronavirus, partially due to a small minority in the sector’s refusal to comply with the Health Ministry guidelines. “The guidelines must be followed. The hatred for the ultra-Orthodox must be denounced and extracted from within us, like all racism,” said Cassif.

08.04.2020 - 15:58 [ Haaretz ]

Passover Curfew Begins as Israel Coronavirus Cases Top 9,400


The Health Ministry sent a letter on Wednesday to hospitals, calling on them to reduce their use of anesthesia, due to a global shortage of anesthetics coupled with the use of many anesthetics to treat coronavirus patients. (…)

1:35 P.M. Bnei Brak hospital says it cannot accept more patients requiring ventilators

The Ma‘ayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak says it can no longer accept patients who require ventilators because of a shortage in monitoring devices required to operate them.

04.04.2020 - 12:09 [ ]

Israel: Litzman‘s phone was tracked after he tested positive for coronavirus

The private cellphone of Health Minister Yaakov Litzman was tracked after he was suspected of flouting social distancing guidelines despite testing positive for the coronavirus, Israeli health officials said on Friday.

07.06.2018 - 09:23 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Defense Chief Accuses Center-left, ultra-Orthodox Parties of Thwarting ‚Terrorist‘ Lawmaker‘s Removal From Knesset

(4.6.2018) Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Monday that the reason lawmaker Haneen Zoabi (Joint List) is still sitting in the Knesset is because members of the center-left and ultra-Orthodox parties refuse to support her dismissal.

Lieberman said he „cannot understand why (Deputy Health Minister) Yaakov Litzman (United Torah Judaism), (opposition head) Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union), and Ofer Shelah (Yesh Atid), are supporting this terrorist.“ Lieberman also snapped at Meretz chairwoman Tamar Zandberg, saying: „nobody expects anything else from you.“

04.06.2018 - 18:47 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Defense Chief Accuses Center-left, ultra-Orthodox Parties of Thwarting ‚Terrorist‘ Lawmaker‘s Removal From Knesset

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Monday that the reason lawmaker Haneen Zoabi (Joint List) is still sitting in the Knesset is because members of the center-left and ultra-Orthodox parties refuse to support her dismissal.

Lieberman said he „cannot understand why (Deputy Health Minister) Yaakov Litzman (United Torah Judaism), (opposition head) Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union), and Ofer Shelah (Yesh Atid), are supporting this terrorist.“ Lieberman also snapped at Meretz chairwoman Tamar Zandberg, saying: „nobody expects anything else from you.“