Archiv: Pamela Anderson

30.09.2020 - 16:32 [ Progressive International / ]

The Belmarsh Tribunal

Confirmed speakers:

Roger Waters, rock musician, co-founder of Pink Floyd

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former president of Brazil

Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece, MeRA25

Rafael Correa, former president of Ecuador

M.I.A., musician and activist

Slavoj Žižek, philosopher

Pamela Anderson, actress and activist

Srećko Horvat, philosopher, co-founder of DiEM25

Alicia Castro, trade unionist and Argentine diplomat

John McDonnell, former Shadow Chancellor, Labour Party

Jennifer Robinson, human rights lawyer

Tariq Ali, public intellectual and member of Russell Tribunal

Angela Richter, artist and activist

30.09.2020 - 16:30 [ Yanis Varoufakis / Twitter ]

First they came for Assange. Then for all journalists that dare expose them. Then for each and every one of us that dare resit them. Join us in opposition to Julian‘s extradition! This Friday. At 15.00 CET

02.06.2019 - 13:51 [ Pamela Anderson / Daily Beast ]

Pamela Anderson: Assange Is a Scapegoat, Not a Criminal

So you say Julian is to blame for Hillary’s defeat? Well, then I’ve got news for you: When the truth was exposed about Hillary, most voters did not like what they saw. Did Julian disclose the evidence? Sure, that’s what investigative journalists do. But should he be persecuted and jailed for that? No, that’s what repressive dictatorships do. While Julian may have influenced the election, he certainly has not interfered with it. Hillary lost the election herself, simply because the Electoral College resulted in a majority for Trump. And if you believe the culprits were Russian hackers, well then sort it out with the Kremlin, but keep your hands off our freedom of the press!