Archiv: Palestine Action (organization)

23.12.2023 - 23:21 [ Palestine Action / Twitter ]

We thank all those who stood by and supported the #ElbitEight, dozens came everyday and brought food, gifts and stood tall in the cold showing their support. A special thanks to the support from @CAGEintl and @MPACUK!

23.12.2023 - 23:15 [ ]

Court victory for activists who disrupted Israel’s weapons trade

The Elbit Eight carried out direct action protests under the banner of Palestine Action, to try and disrupt the flow of drones and other military equipment to Israel.

The case ended on 22 December, following a six-week trial held at Snaresbrook Crown Court in east London.

02.11.2023 - 19:23 [ Sarah Wilkinson / Twitter ]

The day that @Pal_action rammed the gate of Leicester’s israeli arms factory & brought israeli drone makers to their knees #ShutElbitDown

(Oct 20, 2023)

02.11.2023 - 19:16 [ Palestine Action / Twitter ]

Leonardo supplies Israel with Apache Helicopters and parts for their F-35 fighter jets, used to bombard Gaza. Today, we’re shutting them down in London!

02.11.2023 - 19:00 [ ]

Palestine Action Strike Britain’s Foreign Office and Occupy Leonardo On Balfour 106

Today, on the 106th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, activists from Palestine Action targeted Britain’s foreign office and are currently occupying the weapons firm Leonardo at their London HQ. Leonardo’s London offices have been covered in red paint, to symbolise the Palestinian bloodshed by their weaponry, whilst one activist remains on top of the company’s front overhang. Elsewhere, the Foreign Office in London was sprayed in messages including ‘Britain Guilty’ and ‘Fuck Balfour.