Archiv: Liberal Party (Canada)

11.02.2022 - 02:43 [ ]

Quebec Liberal MP publicly breaks with Trudeau over vaccine mandates

(Feb 08, 2022)

„I think it‘s time we stopped dividing the population,“ said Joël Lightbound, seen by some as a rising star in the federal Liberal party.

25.06.2018 - 08:49 [ New Zealand Herald ]

China pyramid-scheme probe: Xiao Hua Gong charged in Canada, NZ police freeze nearly $70m

Nearly $70 million in New Zealand bank accounts has been frozen as part of a global investigation into a wealthy Chinese businessman accused of running a massive pyramid scheme from Canada.

Xiao Hua Gong has built a business empire in Toronto including a hotel chain and television channels, as well as attending fundraisers for Canada‘s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and donating to the governing Liberal Party.