Archiv: Jordan Valley Coalition

15.12.2023 - 15:30 [ ]

Dear President Biden: The humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip


Dear President Biden,

The war in the Gaza Strip has been underway for more than nine weeks, ever since Hamas carried out its horrific and criminal attack on Israeli civilians, which included killing more than 1,200 people and kidnapping some 250 to Gaza – among them Israeli civilians, foreign nationals and children. Immediately after the attack, and in a speech you later gave in Israel, you made it clear that Israel has the right to defend itself, while emphasizing it must do so only in accordance with the provisions of international law, and particularly the rules of war.

We, Israeli human rights organizations and civil society groups, must at this stage state with a heavy heart that our government has chosen to ignore your advice and similar statements by US officials. This letter does not address the grave suspicions of Israeli violations of international humanitarian law during the war, but centers on the extreme humanitarian crisis developing in Gaza and the urgent need to change Israel’s policy on this issue.

15.12.2023 - 15:24 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Israeli Human Rights Organizations to President Biden: Stop the Humanitarian Catastrophe


Among the signatories: Academia for Equality, Akevot – Institute for Israeli Palestinian Conflict Research, B’Tselem, Bimkom, Breaking the Silence, Combatants for Peace, Gisha, HaMoked – Center for the Defense of the Individual, Jordan Valley Activists, Looking the Occupation in the Eye, Machsom Watch, Parents Against Child Detentions, Psychoative, Rabbis for Human Rights, Social Workers for Peace and Welfare, Yesh Din and Zazim -Community Action.

02.06.2019 - 16:22 [ ]

Ta‘ayush: We Need Your Support

Donations can be via bank deposit to:

Bank Hapoalim

Branch 574 (Hapalmach)

Account no. 160213

Swift code poalilit

IBAN: IL61-0125-7400-0000-0160-213

You can also send checks by mail, payable to:


c/o Yehuda Agus, POB 360

Timrat 36576


Every donation, no matter how small, will help us continue our important work on the ground. Your donations will not be used to pay overhead, salaries, or administrative fees. Ta’ayush is an all-volunteer organization and contributions go directly to covering the costs of our activities and defending out activists in court.

In solidarity and gratitude,


02.06.2019 - 16:11 [ ]

MachsomWatch: About us

MachsomWatch is a volunteer organization of Israeli women who are peace activists from all sectors of society. We oppose the Israeli occupation in the area known as the West Bank, we oppose the appropriation of Palestinian land and the denial of Palestinian human rights. We support the right of Palestinians to move freely in their land and oppose the checkpoints which severely restrict Palestinian daily life.

02.06.2019 - 16:01 [ Combatants for Peace ]

Combatants for Peace: Our Vision

In keeping with our values, we work towards a two state solution in the 1967 borders, or any other mutually agreed upon solution that will allow both Israelis and Palestinians to live in freedom,security, democracy and dignity in their homeland.

02.06.2019 - 14:37 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Soldiers Cuffed, Blindfolded and Detained Left-wing Activists Without Cause, Authority

The three were released without being questioned and without being informed whether they were suspected of anything. Israeli soldiers are not authorized to arrest Israeli civilians in the West Bank, but are entitled to detain them until the police arrive. The three said they never came in contact with the police.

The activists were members of the left-wing organizations Combatants for Peace and the Jordan Valley Coalition.