Archiv: Greenpeace

19.08.2020 - 23:31 [ The Hill ]

DNC removes measure calling for end of fossil fuel subsidies from platform

However, that language does not appear in the final version of the party’s platform.

A DNC spokesperson told HuffPost in a statement that the amendment was “incorrectly included” and removed “after the error was discovered.”

04.03.2019 - 02:02 [ Global Research ]

The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Is Abusing the Judicial System to Silence Dissent

The ACLU, along with a coalition of public interest groups, filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of Greenpeace and its partners and the individual Standing Rock protesters. We argued that Energy Transfer’s claims violate the First Amendment, which prohibits companies from suing critics out of existence just because their message is anathema to the corporate interests of the plaintiff. We also told the court that the RICO Act can’t be manipulated and exploited to suppress constitutionally protected speech.

21.02.2019 - 07:06 [ ]

Lex Greenpeace: Sachsen ändert heimlich Gesetz, um Gutachten geheimzuhalten [Update]

In Dresden baut die Regierung an einer Mauer des Schweigens: Die Koalition aus CDU und SPD in Sachsen änderte extra ein Gesetz, damit der Landesrechnungshof keine Auskunft zu einem brisanten Gutachten geben muss. Umweltschützer und Grüne halten das für unglaublich.

21.11.2018 - 22:35 [ MDR ]

Kohlekommission muss nachsitzen

Scharfe Kritik kam von Umweltverbänden. „Wir möchten hiermit aufs Schärfste dagegen protestieren und Sie nachdrücklich darum bitten, beim ursprünglich vereinbarten Zeitplan zu bleiben“, schrieben die Kommissionsmitglieder Martin Kaiser (Greenpeace), Kai Niebert (Deutscher Naturschutzring) und Hubert Weiger (BUND) an die Vorsitzenden. Der Eindruck, dass Bundes- und Landespolitiker versuchten, „nach Belieben die Arbeit einer zivilgesellschaftlichen Kommission und deren Empfehlungen zu beeinflussen“, sei „völlig unbegreiflich“.

03.10.2018 - 11:06 [ Greenpeace / ]

Nuclear Flashback: Report of a Greenpeace Scientific Expedition to Amchitka Island, Alaska – Site of the Largest Underground Nuclear Test in U.S. History

(1996) The momentum for the birth of Greenpeace arose from the grassroots movement against the Cannikin test. Motivated by the Quaker tradition of „bearing witness,“ twelve people set sail from Vancouver to stop the nuclear explosion at Amchitka. Radio communications of the Greenpeace vessel, the F/V Phyllis Cormack, were monitored by military intelligence. Eighteen crewmen of the U.S. Coast Guard vessel Confidence in Akutan Harbor (Aleutian Islands) signed a statement supporting the Greenpeace

Although stormy weather and postponement of the test prevented the Phyllis Cormack from reaching Amchitka, this first Greenpeace action became a dramatic focal point for an international movement and inspired protests to a „greater sound and fury.“ An aide to one of the senators against the war in Vietnam was quoted as saying, „I‘ve
never seen anything like it. Where we are looking for an issue to revive the ABM debate, the Atomic Energy Commission drops Cannikin in our lap. It‘s almost enough to enlist every ecology freak in the country.“

16.05.2018 - 10:33 [ ]

Regierung: FPÖ verteidigt ihren CETA-Schwenk

Die SPÖ wirft den Freiheitlichen vor, umgefallen zu sein.

Die FPÖ war vor der Wahl gegen Freihandelsabkommen wie CETA. Noch vor dem Sommer wird der Pakt nun aber mit den Stimmen der Freiheitlichen im Parlament „ruhigen Gewissens“ ratifiziert.