Archiv: grassroots / volunteers / Graswurzeln / freiwilliges Engagement

13.10.2024 - 03:00 [ ]

Meet & Greet with Jill in Seattle

October 14, 2024 at 7:30pm – 9pm
Stoup Brewing
1158 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98122
United States
Google map and directions
Alice Green

Join us at a meet and greet with Jill Stein. We will have light bites, drinks, and fun! Only 25 tickets available, so don‘t wait! Get your ticket today!

13.10.2024 - 03:00 [ ]

We Are On the Ballot Colorado!

Join Drs. Cornel West and Melina Abdullah in as they share in conversation with Hasira Soul Ashemu about their transformative campaign to bring Truth, Justice and Love to the ballot this November.

Registration is required for entry.

October 20, 2024 at 2:00pm – 5pm
Shorter Community AME Church
3100 Richard Allen Court
Denver, CO 80205
United States
Google map and directions

08.10.2024 - 22:34 [ Abandon Harris ]

To Stop Genocide, We need Volunteers!

There are many areas to volunteer, and we encourage you to join. But we want to make sure that you are volunteering in an area for which you may be able to devote time. Please indicate what are the areas that you could volunteer.

23.09.2024 - 02:19 [ ]

Cornel West 2024 – Ballot Access HQ: History in the Making

Ways to Help:

– Scroll up, click on your state, then the “Learn More” button, to learn how to vote West/Abdullah November 5.
– Sign up under „Volunteer“ on your state page to stay abreast of campaign updates.
– Follow and use #WestAbdullah2024 #CornelWest2024 #TruthJusticeLove on social media to join the online conversation and bring your friends and family in as well.

22.09.2024 - 23:12 [ ]

A Revolution of Values: The West/Abdullah Administration‘s Blueprint for Transformative Change in 100 Days

The West/Abdullah administration‘s first 100 days in office would usher in a paradigm shift in American politics, rooted in the tripartite pillars of truth, justice, and love. This comprehensive plan, aptly described as a „revolution of values,“ outlines a series of audacious initiatives designed to confront systemic inequalities and nurture a more equitable society.
Key initiatives include:

Immediate action on economic justice and poverty abolition
Radical education reform and environmental protection measures
Bold steps on healthcare access and gender equality
Transformative foreign policy and immigration reform
Concrete actions on racial justice and democratic reform
Prioritization of workers‘ rights and labor protections

22.09.2024 - 21:41 [ Newsweek ]

How Jill Stein‘s Muslim Surge Could Sink Kamala Harris

(September 21, 2024)

Recent polls show Stein ahead of Harris among Muslim voters in several battleground states, including Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin, giving her Green Party a potentially pivotal role in swinging the election away from Harris in favor of former President Donald Trump.

„We‘re grateful for the strong support of Muslim voters who share with us the determination to end genocide in Gaza, and the injustice faced by our Muslim friends,“ Stein told Newsweek in a statement. „We urge all people of conscience to resist the propaganda telling you to hold your nose and vote for genocide.

22.09.2024 - 21:00 [ ]

Stein-Ware for President Field Map

Minor party and independent presidential candidates must obtain or maintain ballot access in each state before every presidential election. This requires a coordinated nationwide ballot access plan, and state-wide petitioning processes to collect hundreds of thousands of signatures and pay various fees for that candidate to appear on a state ballot and allow people to vote for them.

YOU can help us get on the ballot across the country by volunteering to petition in your state, making a financial contribution, and registering to vote so we can turn this entire map Green!

22.09.2024 - 20:07 [ American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force ]

American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force Calls on Muslim Voters to Turn Out, Support Candidates Who Back Permanent Ceasefire, Arms Embargo, and Other Just Policies

Our message for the American Muslim community

Disagree respectfully: we understand that voting is a personal choice, and our perspectives and personal analysis can lead us all in different directions. Thus, there may not be a definitively right or wrong answer to the question of how American Muslims should vote in 2024. We expect disagreements to occur.

Although healthy debate is valuable, our community members should not disparage each other or assume the worst of each other’s intentions—especially of leaders and groups that have a history of doing good work and acting in good faith.

We must also reject those voices on either side of the 2024 debate who attempt to turn political and strategic disagreement about how to vote into a racial or religious conflict that divides our community.


American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force

Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action)
Council on American-Islamic Relations Action (CAIR Action)
The Civil Rights Alliance for America
Muslim American Society Action (MAS Action)
Muslim Civic Coalition-Activate
US Council of Muslim Organizations Civic Action Network (USCMO CAN)
Justice America
American Arab & Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC)
Voices of Muslims

22.09.2024 - 19:00 [ Anadolu ]

Muslim-American coalition urges support for pro-Palestine candidates in US presidential election

(September 20, 2024)

A coalition of Muslim-American groups announced Friday that it will not endorse Democratic candidate Kamala Harris in the November presidential election.

Instead, the coalition encouraged Muslim voters to support pro-Palestine candidates such as Green Party nominee Jill Stein, Justice for All nominee Cornel West, or others who back a ceasefire in Gaza and an arms embargo on Israel.

22.09.2024 - 18:55 [ Middle East Eye ]

US: Muslim groups urge voters to back Jill Stein, Cornel West or other pro-Palestine candidates

(September 20, 2024)

„After extensive consultation, discussion, and deliberation, the American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force has decided to encourage American Muslims to vote for any presidential candidate of their choosing who supports a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a US arms embargo on the Israeli government, such as candidates Dr Jill Stein, Dr Cornel West or Chase Oliver,“ read the statement, obtained by Middle East Eye.

The statement was written by the American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force, an umbrella group formed this year that consists of a number of prominent Muslim organisations including the political arms of Americans for Justice in Palestine (AJP), Cair, and the US Council of Muslim Organizations.

18.09.2024 - 17:30 [ ]

Stein-Ware for President Field Map

Minor party and independent presidential candidates must obtain or maintain ballot access in each state before every presidential election. This requires a coordinated nationwide ballot access plan, and state-wide petitioning processes to collect hundreds of thousands of signatures and pay various fees for that candidate to appear on a state ballot and allow people to vote for them.

YOU can help us get on the ballot across the country by volunteering to petition in your state, making a financial contribution, and registering to vote so we can turn this entire map Green!

18.09.2024 - 16:45 [ ]

Cornel West 2024 – Ballot Access HQ: History in the Making

Ways to Help:

– Scroll up, click on your state, then the “Learn More” button, to learn how to vote West/Abdullah November 5.
– Sign up under „Volunteer“ on your state page to stay abreast of campaign updates.
– Follow and use #WestAbdullah2024 #CornelWest2024 #TruthJusticeLove on social media to join the online conversation and bring your friends and family in as well.

18.09.2024 - 16:24 [ ]

Dr. Cornel West Leads 3rd Party Candidates in Suffolk University/USA Today Poll Showing Strong Second-Choice Support

Dr. Melina Abdullah, vice presidential candidate and co-founder of Black Lives Matter Grassroots, emphasized the importance of this moment. “Dr. West’s candidacy represents a powerful shift toward real justice. Voters are waking up to the fact that there’s more than just the binary choice of Democrat and Republican. We’re building a movement that stands for the people, and this poll shows that more and more voters are aligning with that vision.”

The West/Abdullah campaign has the signatures and minor party nominations it needs to get on the ballot in 18 states. This includes 7 of the battleground states: Michigan, Georgia, Minnesota, Florida, Wisconsin, Virginia and North Carolina. For details on where Dr. West and Dr. Abdullah will appear on the ballot across the United States, please see our campaign’s ballot access map.

02.09.2024 - 00:20 [ ]

SmallTechnology Foundation


We’re a tiny and independent two-person not-for-profit based in Ireland.

We are building the Small Web.

No, it’s not web3, it’s web0.

Learn more about us.

31.08.2024 - 19:15 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Do Something Every Day To Help De-Normalize The Abuses Of The Empire

One very important task we can undertake as citizens of the western empire is to help de-normalize the tyranny, murderousness and savagery that the imperial propagandists work to normalize.


Denormalize poverty.

Denormalize injustice and inequality.

Denormalize the ruined buildings and ruined bodies in Gaza.

Denormalize the nuclear brinkmanship with Russia.

Denormalize the destruction of our biosphere in the ravages of ecocidal capitalism.

Denormalize the surging authoritarianism we’re experiencing as the empire works frantically to stomp out dissent.

Denormalize the war machinery rolling out around the world, and the increasingly militarized police forces in our streets.

Denormalize the psychopathy of the politicians and government officials who cheerfully serve the empire in facilitation of these horrors.

Denormalize the way media and government institutions controlled by the powerful work to manipulate the way we think and perceive every day of our fucking lives for the benefit of the powerful.

27.04.2024 - 03:33 [ Washington Post ]

Secret meetings, social chatter: How Columbia students sparked a nationwide revolt

“We talked about what it was like to recruit people and join, and what it meant to stand in solidarity together, and what it would look like if these camps started popping up everywhere,” said Soph Askanase, 21-year-old junior at Barnard College who was arrested at Columbia.

What followed was the start of what historians now call one of the most consequential student uprisings the nation has seen in recent times.

21.04.2024 - 06:26 [ ]

Wahl für neue Berliner SPD-Parteispitze: Landeschef Saleh ist aus dem Rennen

Saleh hat die Politik der SPD in den vergangenen Jahren maßgeblich gestaltet und die Partei auch in das schwarz-rote Bündnis geführt.

Die SPD-Mitglieder hätten gegen eine „Weiter so“ entschieden, kommentierte Hikel das Ergebnis am Samstag. Das Ergebnis sei ein Einschnitt und bringe die Partei in eine „neue Ära der Sozialdemokratie“. Ähnlich äußerte sich seine Co-Bewerberin Böcker-Giannini, die an die Einigkeit der Partei appellierte. (…)

So stellten Hikel und Böcker-Giannini etwa das kostenlose Kita-Essen für alle Kinder infrage, Niroomand und Bertels sprachen sich hier gegen Änderungen aus.

21.04.2024 - 06:10 [ SPD Berlin ]

SPD Berlin Mitgliederbefragung zum Landesvorsitz

Drei Kandidat*innen-Teams nahmen im ersten Wahlgang an der Mitglieder­befragung teil:

Jana Bertels und Kian Niroomand: 3020 Stimmen (36,11%)
Nicola Böcker-Giannini und Martin Hikel: 4034 Stimmen (48,24%)
Luise Lehmann und Raed Saleh: 1309 Stimmen (15,65%)

Damit kommt es zu einer Stichwahl zwischen den beiden bestplatzierten Teams.

17.04.2024 - 08:30 [ ]

Honest. Dedicated. Journalism. Donate to Unicorn Riot

As we plan beyond 2024, your monetary support is crucial. We’re currently still locked into an extensive court battle over press freedoms with Energy Transfer, the multinational energy corporation behind the Dakota Access Pipeline. After years of fighting against their efforts to compel us to turn over documents from our reporting on the 2016 protests against the pipeline, we’ve been forced to spend $50,000 in legal fees. We need your help!

26.03.2024 - 19:41 [ ]

Ballot Access HQ

Your dedication and hard work will put RFK Jr. in the White House as the first independent president since George Washington. The national revitalization that he leads from office will tremendously improve millions of lives at home and around the world. You’ll forever own a piece of that change in your heart and carry it with pride. And you’ll make great friends along the way.

10.02.2024 - 18:00 [ AG Frieden (Internationales und Europa) der Partei dieBasis / ]

„Lagerübergreifend für den Frieden“ Michael Aggelidis, Friedenskonferenz Hamburg dieBasis 2024

(February 5, 2024)

„Unsere Aufgabe als Friedensbewegung ist einerseits sicher der Kampf gegen Kriege und gegen Wirtschaftskriege. Aber unserer Aufgabe ist auch und vor allem der Einsatz für Souveränismus, also der politische Kampf für Souveränität in den Köpfen der Menschen und damit für Demokratie in Staat und Gesellschaft..“

10.02.2024 - 17:00 [ die Basis ]

Der Faschismus in Deutschland ist längst wieder da…

Die Basisdemokratische Partei mit ihren Grundwerten der Freiheit, Machtbegrenzung, Achtsamkeit und Schwarmintelligenz wird für eine Politik der Menschlichkeit einstehen, in der auf Basis des Grundgesetzes und einer demokratischen Grundordnung gemeinsam bessere Entscheidungen getroffen werden.

DieBasis wird zugleich an der EU-Wahl teilnehmen. Denn letztendlich geht es darum, nicht nur Deutschland von allen derzeitigen Einflüssen globalistischer Weltpolitik und Machtinteressen zu befreien

10.02.2024 - 12:00 [ ]

Ballot Access HQ

Your dedication and hard work will put RFK Jr. in the White House as the first independent president since George Washington. The national revitalization that he leads from office will tremendously improve millions of lives at home and around the world. You’ll forever own a piece of that change in your heart and carry it with pride. And you’ll make great friends along the way.

10.02.2024 - 11:46 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

Do you want to challenge the duopoly and shatter the glass ceiling for Independent candidates in this country? This video explains the process of how we‘re going to get on the ballot in all 50 states. It also teaches you how to become an expert petitioner. Let‘s make history.

05.02.2024 - 19:15 [ ]

Ballot Access HQ

Your dedication and hard work will put RFK Jr. in the White House as the first independent president since George Washington. The national revitalization that he leads from office will tremendously improve millions of lives at home and around the world. You’ll forever own a piece of that change in your heart and carry it with pride. And you’ll make great friends along the way.

01.02.2024 - 21:30 [ ANSWER Coalition / Twitter ]

BREAKING: Months of organizing result in a victorious vote for a ceasefire in Chicago! Chicago is the largest U.S. city to vote in favor of a ceasefire resolution

26.01.2024 - 15:40 [ xy_liviruby / Twitter ]

to all people who still have a conscience please raise the hashtag for the opening of the door rafah,Open the gates of Rafah so that aid for Palestine can be opened,

they need help for the many people who are starving there
#OpenRafahBorderNow #openrafahstopgenocide #Palestina

16.01.2024 - 22:00 [ ]

Ballot Access HQ

Welcome to the Team Kennedy Ballot Access HQ. Below, you‘ll find the information and tools you need to ensure RFK Jr is on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

07.01.2024 - 18:34 [ ]

Bayerische Staatsregierung steht hinter Forderungen der Bauern – Polizei bereitet sich auf Aktionen und Proteste vor

Wie Herrmann erläuterte, stellen die Versammlungsbehörden im Freistaat ein enormes Mobilisierungspotential fest: Seit Mitte Dezember (14. Dezember 2023 bis 4. Januar 2024, 16 Uhr) fanden in Bayern bereits 71 einschlägige Versammlungen statt, an denen sich insgesamt mehr als 8.000 Personen beteiligten. Weitere 208 Versammlungen wurden zudem allein für die kommende Woche angezeigt (Stand: 4. Januar 2024, 16 Uhr). Der Bayerische Bauernverband organisiert in Abstimmung mit dem Verein ‚Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V.‘ eine Reihe großer Versammlungen wie am 8. Januar 2024 mit angezeigten 5.000 Teilnehmern in München am Odeonsplatz, am 10. Januar mit angezeigten 3.000 Teilnehmern in Augsburg und am 12. Januar mit angezeigten 5.000 Teilnehmern in Nürnberg.

06.01.2024 - 06:07 [ ]

Ballot Access HQ

Welcome to the Team Kennedy Ballot Access HQ. Below, you‘ll find the information and tools you need to ensure RFK Jr is on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

18.12.2023 - 19:57 [ World Beyond War ]

Urge Governments to Invoke the Genocide Convention to Stop the War on Gaza

Several countries‘ governments have accused the Israeli government of genocide and asked the International Criminal Court to prosecute Israeli officials, but that court effectively answers to the U.S. government and has refused for years to prosecute crimes by Israel or anyone else outside of Africa.

But the International Court of Justice has ruled against Israel in the past, and if any one nation invokes the Genocide Convention, the court will be obliged to rule on the matter.

If the ICJ determines that genocide is happening, then the ICC will not need to make that determination but only consider who is responsible

09.12.2023 - 19:44 [ ]

Donate: Thank you for contributing to elect Cornel West President of the United States!

Recurring contributions give us growing resources we can count on. Please become a sustaining donor with a monthly contribution if you can!

09.12.2023 - 13:05 [ ]

Let‘s Reclaim Our Country

My opponents have Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, and the defense contractors, but I‘ve got something that‘s more powerful than all these vested interests. I have you.

09.12.2023 - 12:55 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Independent candidate for President of the United States / Twitter ]

The latest polls show me ahead of Biden and Trump among voters under age 45. But I need your help getting on the ballot in all 50 states. Let’s break the two-party system and bring real change to America. Go to and donate today!

28.11.2023 - 16:42 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Eindrücke zur Friedensdemonstration „Nein zu Kriegen“ in Berlin

Am 25.11.2023 fand in Berlin eine Friedensdemonstration vor dem Brandenburger Tor statt, zu der ein breites Bündnis aufgerufen hatte. Die diffamierende, mediale „Berichterstattung“, von der die NachDenkSeiten bereits berichtet haben, veranlasst Ala Goldbrunner, ihre persönlichen Eindrücke vor Ort ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit wiederzugeben.

Der Ablauf

Trotz unwirtlichem, naßkaltem Wetter fanden sich am letzten Samstag laut Veranstalter ca. 20.000 Friedensaktivisten vor dem Brandenburger Tor ein, um gegen Militarisierung und Krieg, für Frieden, Diplomatie und Abrüstung zu demonstrieren. Die Polizei sprach am Nachmittag von 10.000 Teilnehmern.
Sehr hörenswert waren die überwiegend eindringlichen und dennoch besonnenen Reden, die am Ende des Textes verlinkt sind.

04.11.2023 - 18:35 [ BreakThrough News / Twitter ]

Free Palestine! National March on Washington Live Coverage

04.11.2023 - 13:00 [ BreakThrough News / Youtube ]

Free Palestine! National March on Washington Live Coverage

Join BreakThrough News for our LIVE on-the-ground coverage of the National March on Washington to demand a free Palestine.

This historic action is being cosponsored by Palestinian Youth Movement, Al-Awda (The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition), American Muslim Alliance, ANSWER Coalition, The Peoples Forum, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, US Palestinian Community Network, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Maryland to Palestine, Palestinian-American Community Center, and National Students for Justice in Palestine, and is endorsed by hundreds of others.

04.11.2023 - 12:00 [ Answer Coalition ]

MEDIA ALERT: Washington DC to host the largest mobilization in support of Palestine in US history

When: 1:00 pm, Saturday, November 4, 2023

Where: Freedom Plaza, Washington D.C.

Washington DC, November 3, 2023 – The US capital is gearing up for the largest mobilization in support of Palestine in the country’s history. Tens of thousands of activists are boarding buses from cities as far as Chicago, Houston, and Tampa to participate in the historic march.

Over 9,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in its intense bombing campaign of the Gaza strip. According to a report released today by the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, Israel has used 25,000 tons of explosives on Gaza since October 7, equivalent to two nuclear bombs. This has continued unrelenting despite calls from world leaders and millions of people across the world for an end to this genocidal violence.

The hundreds of thousands converging in Washington DC will join people from across the globe to demand an immediate ceasefire, an end to all US aid to Israel, and an end to the over 16-year siege on Gaza.

04.11.2023 - 12:00 [ ]

National March on Washington: Free Palestine

Now is the time to stand with the besieged people of Palestine! Gaza is being bombed by the hour. Its people are denied food, water and electricity by Israel. Tens of thousands more people are likely to die. We must ACT! People are in the streets everyday in their local cities and towns. Now we must UNITE!

04.11.2023 - 12:00 [ ]

National March on Washington: Free Palestine

Now is the time to stand with the besieged people of Palestine! Gaza is being bombed by the hour. Its people are denied food, water and electricity by Israel. Tens of thousands more people are likely to die. We must ACT! People are in the streets everyday in their local cities and towns. Now we must UNITE! Join the tens of thousands people, from every corner of the United States, who are converging for a truly massive National March on Washington D.C. on Saturday, November 4.

04.11.2023 - 11:40 [ Washington Post ]

Here’s what to know about the pro-Palestinian rally in D.C. on Saturday

Thousands of people are expected to rally Saturday in Washington, joining a push from people across the world to demand both a cease-fire in the Israel-Gaza war and an end to U.S. aid to Israel.

Brian Becker, the executive director of the ANSWER Coalition, one of the organizers of the march, said he hopes this gathering will be “the largest demonstration in support of the Palestinian people in the history of the United States.”

01.11.2023 - 19:30 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

I’m now independent of two-party politics but still dependent on one thing: the American people. Help me get on the ballot in all 50 states! DONATE TODAY

01.11.2023 - 19:29 [ ]

Let‘s Reclaim Our Country – Your generous donations will help win this election.

My opponents have Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, and the defense contractors, but I‘ve got something that‘s more powerful than all these vested interests. I have you.

17.10.2023 - 15:30 [ ]

Machsom Watch: About us

In January 2001, three Jewish Jerusalemite women first saw a military checkpoint in the West Bank and obeyed their conscience. From this point, MachsomWatch grew as an organization whose members are women of all walks of life in Israeli society. Within two years our number rose from 75 to 500, women were thoroughly convinced that with our activity we would put an end to the occupation.

We have no administration, are all volunteers and our decisions are made by voting in a plenary meeting.

17.10.2023 - 15:14 [ ]

Mehazkim: About Us

Revolutions start online

‘Mehazkim’ [in Hebrew: ‘Strengthening’ or ‘Empowering’] is a progressive digital movement working to promote the values, ideas and solutions of the Israeli left. We are leading struggles for a more democratic Israel through effective digital campaigns and inclusive collaborations.

Winning Together

We established ‘Mehazkim’ because we realized that it is impossible to win alone; Because we were sick and tired of hiding and being afraid in the face of incitement and violence directed against us for years. Mehazkim aspires to be the main political and digital force of activists, organizations, initiatives and protests, as well as of ordinary citizens who feel empowered to act for a better Israel.

Strengthening the Israeli Left

The Israeli conservatives uses a variety of methods to dominate the agenda and produce a false representation of public support for nationalistic and illiberal ideas. We started as a small group of activists, and became a movement that works with all members of the broad democratic camp through innovative digital campaigns.

We are here to strengthen the left and to strengthen Israel – this is what we do.

14.08.2023 - 16:05 [ Haaretz ]

Israel’s Unplanned PR Coup: How a Protest Movement to Defend Liberal Values Is Captivating Europe

For Europe’s media and public, Israel’s historic protest movement has sparked unprecedented interest, challenging the familiar script of wars and violence to become an unexpected icon of hope for democracy

23.07.2023 - 00:00 [ Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie ]

„March on Jerusalem“-organizers: NATO-coup in Ukraine and military coup in Egypt as a blueprint

Obviously, spies are trying to infiltrate Israel´s Democracy Movement that resists the judicial coup of Benyamin Netanyahu´s extreme right-wing government. That spies agenda seems to follow some „broad consensus“ of Mossad and CIA, demanded by US state leadership, to keep situation under control and safequard geostrategic goals.

An analysis and prognosis.

04.07.2023 - 19:43 [ ]

I support RFK, Jr.

You are the grassroots! Let‘s reclaim American democracy, join Team Kennedy!

21.06.2023 - 16:25 [ ]

Themenwahl 2023: Anlasslose Kontrolle von Chatnachrichten verhindern

Die EU-Kommission plant eine umfassende Überwachung unserer Messenger-Kommunikation (z. B. via WhatsApp, iMessage, facebook Messenger, Telegram und andere) in ganz Europa einzuführen. Durch die Überwachung all unserer Nachrichten hofft die EU-Kommission, Missbrauchsdarstellungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen auf unseren Endgeräten zu finden, um somit gegen die Verbreitung kinderpornographischer Darstellungen vorzugehen (1).

Im Koalitionsvertrag heißt es dazu: „Allgemeine Überwachungspflichten, Maßnahmen zum Scannen privater Kommunikation und eine Identifizierungspflicht lehnen wir ab“ (2).

Entgegen dieser Vereinbarung hat die deutsche Bundesregierung Anfang April entschieden, die Massnahmen zum Scannen der privaten Kommunikation auf EU-Ebene nicht abzulehnen (3).

21.06.2023 - 15:55 [ Abstimmung21 - Für Volksentscheide auf Bundesebene ]

ABSTIMMUNG21: Volksabstimmungen auf Bundesebene

1. Themenvorschläge

Für die Themenwahl konnten bis Ende März bei uns Vorschläge eingereicht werden.

2. Themenwahl vom 01. Mai bis zum 30. Juni

Alle zugelassenen Vorschläge werden ab dem 1. Mai nach und nach hier veröffentlicht. Die drei Themen mit den meisten Unterzeichnungen kommen auf den Stimmzettel für die zweite bundesweite Volksabstimmung im Herbst 2023.

3. Volksabstimmung am 31.Oktober

Im Juli werden die drei Themen redaktionell aufgearbeitet. Im August findet der Druck und Versand der Abstimmungsunterlagen statt. Im September können Sie dann per Brief abstimmen. Die Auszählung der Stimmen findet im Oktober statt. Am 31. Oktober werden die Ergebnisse bekannt gegeben.

21.06.2023 - 15:20 [ ]

Die Digitale Mitgliederumfrage zum neuen Grundsatzprogramm 15. März bis 13. April 2023

Frage 2
Einmal ganz allgemein gefragt: Wozu verpflichtet das ‚C‘ im Namen der Partei? Welche politischen Ziele und Maximen halten Sie mit Blick auf das ‚C‘ für besonders wichtig, welche für auch noch wichtig, und welche für weniger wichtig?

besonders wichtig:
Freiheit 82,5%


Frage 5
Wie sollte Europa Ihrer Meinung nach in Zukunft eher aussehen? (Mehreres kann angegeben werden!)

Es sollte einen europäischen Bundesstaat mit eigener Verfassung geben: 12,7%

14.06.2023 - 11:31 [ ]

Help Us Build The Future Of Independent Media

Krystal and Saagar need your help to expand Breaking Points and deliver the single best 2024 coverage you can get ANYWHERE

12.06.2023 - 10:38 [ ]

I support RFK, Jr.

You are the grassroots! Let‘s show the mainstream the power of a popular uprising to reclaim American democracy.

12.06.2023 - 10:22 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

Join me in unraveling the corrupt corporate control of our government. For too long, politicians have sold out American interests to the highest bidder. I am running against moneyed interests and need your help. Please make a contribution today at + share this video with your friends and family. Let’s take back our country!

02.06.2023 - 22:42 [ ]

A Citizen-Led Inquiry Into Canada’s COVID-19 Response

Canada’s federal and provincial governments’ COVID-19 policies were unprecedented. These interventions into Canadians’ lives, our families, businesses, and communities were, and to great extent remain, significant. In particular, these interventions impacted the physical and mental health, civil liberties and fundamental freedoms, jobs and livelihoods, and overall social and economic wellbeing of nearly all Canadians.

These circumstances demand a comprehensive, transparent, and objective national inquiry into the appropriateness and efficacy of these interventions, and to determine what lessons can be learned for the future. Such an inquiry cannot be commissioned or conducted impartially by our governments as it is their responses and actions to the COVID-19 which would be under investigation.

02.06.2023 - 22:10 [ Robert F. Kennedy Jr / Twitter ]

Everyone needs to watch this devastating dissection by one of Canada’s leading journalists of how global media icons were transformed into slavish government propagandists during Covid crisis. This testimony should be mandatory in every journalism school.


The process of government-media propaganda coordination is not limited to Canada, nor to Covid issues. #Kennedy24

02.06.2023 - 22:04 [ ]

Testimony- CBC Journalist Exposes The Massive Lies & Propaganda Of CBC At National Citizens Inquiry


The regular CBC „experts“ bribed hundreds of thousands of dollars. Watch until the end. Rodney Palmer‘s testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry shows CBC planted a fake sign at the convoy and knowingly lied throughout the past 3.5 years at the cost of all good Canadians. The exposure of the CBC has finally come. Find out how CTV and other mainstream news channels also signed on to be part of a new fake news group with an actual name, so they would all tout the same lies at the same time in unison. Support the and consider donating to their extensive costs and/or share the inquiry dates WIDELY on all of your platforms.

02.06.2023 - 09:41 [ ]

Die Neutralitätsinitiative


Wortlaut Neutralitätsinitiative «Wahrung der schweizerischen Neutralität»

Die Bundesverfassung wird wie folgt geändert:

Art. 54a Schweizerische Neutralität

1) Die Schweiz ist neutral. Ihre Neutralität ist immerwährend und bewaffnet.

2) Die Schweiz tritt keinem Militär- oder Verteidigungsbündnis bei. Vorbehalten ist eine Zusammenarbeit mit solchen Bündnissen für den Fall eines direkten militärischen Angriffs auf die Schweiz oder für den Fall von Handlungen zur Vorbereitung eines solchen Angriffs.

3) Die Schweiz beteiligt sich nicht an militärischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Drittstaaten und trifft auch keine nichtmilitärischen Zwangsmassnahmen gegen kriegführende Staaten. Vorbehalten sind Verpflichtungen gegenüber der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) sowie Massnahmen zur Verhinderung der Umgehung von nichtmilitärischen Zwangsmassnahmen anderer Staaten.

4) Die Schweiz nutzt ihre immerwährende Neutralität für die Verhinderung und Lösung von Konflikten und steht als Vermittlerin zur Verfügung.