Archiv: Gavin Barwell

06.05.2019 - 16:57 [ ]

Rude Tories force Theresa May’s chief of staff out of secret WhatsApp group after slagging her off constantly

RUDE Tories have forced Theresa May‘s chief of staff out of a local WhatsApp group after slagging her off constantly.

Gavin Barwell said he‘d had enough of everyone attacking the party boss and dramatically quit the group, it was revealed yesterday.

06.05.2019 - 16:55 [ Inside Croydon ]

PM’s chief of staff helps to lose Tory council seat in Woking

(03.05.2019) Gavin Barwell, as Inside Croydon’s loyal reader will know, is the former MP for Croydon Central. After writing the book How To Lose A Marginal Seat, Barwell duly lost his parliamentary seat in 2017.

Since then, he has been in a £150,000 per year job in Downing Street, advising the Prime Minister, Theresa Mayhem, as her chief of staff. And haven’t they been doing a real bang-up job?

14.03.2019 - 13:39 [ ]

Brexit mutiny: May‘s chief of staff accused of ‚going rogue‘ over Remain plot to kill no deal

Gavin Barwell was accused of going “rogue” and over-ruling whips amid an increasing clamour for the 13 ministers who voted against the Government to be sacked.

A Gang of Four Cabinet ministers – Business secretary Greg Clark, Justice Secretary David Gauke, Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd and Scottish Secretary David Mundell – were among 18 people on the Government payroll to defy a three-line whip on a motion to take no deal off the table. It is unclear who – if anyone – instructed them that they could abstain. …

18.12.2018 - 01:25 [ thebrexiteer / Twitter ]

Chris Green MP – „Gavin Barwell is on record after the referendum decision, calling it a racist, divisive decision in a tweet. „Barwell is the problem in heart of No 10 Downing Street. I don’t know what he is doing behind the scene, but he is driving a 2nd referendum,“ #Brexit

17.12.2018 - 05:16 [ ]

Labour says it will not table vote of no confidence in Government until after Christmas

Andrew Gwynne, the shadow communities secretary, suggested Labour will not try to topple Mrs May until mid-January which is when the Prime Minister is due to bring her deal back to the House of Commons for a meaningful vote.

Mr Gwynnes said Mrs May would “limp on” until MPs had rejected her deal and it would be at that point that Labour would strike.

17.12.2018 - 05:14 [ Boris Johnson / ]

This babble about a ‚People‘s Vote‘ undermines our credibility and treats people with contempt

Like you, I remember the 2016 referendum campaign. In debate after debate it was made clear that leaving the European Union had certain iron logical consequences. It meant coming out of the customs union. It meant leaving the Single Market. There would be no half-way house, no limbo of the kind proposed by the Prime Minister’s “deal” – under which we will actually abandon control of our own laws and trade policy to Brussels. No one suggested that we should become a laughable political eunuch, a non-voting EU member. No one campaigned for that.

17.12.2018 - 05:10 [ ]

Theresa May slaps down ‘treacherous’ ministers ‘plotting a second Brexit referendum’ and BETRAYING Leave voters

It came after her Chief of Staff Gavin Barwell and de-facto deputy PM David Lidington were accused of betrayal — amid claims both have been exploring the possibility of a “People’s Vote” to break the Brexit deadlock.

Throwing the Government into chaos, sources claimed Mr Lidington had met Labour MPs twice in the past two weeks to build a cross-party coalition for a new vote.

17.12.2018 - 05:08 [ ]

Brexit news latest: Theresa May to warn that second referendum would damage democracy

Mrs May is set to address MPs in the wake of a bruising EU summit in Brussels last week during which European leaders largely rebuffed the PM‘s calls for reassurances on her Withdrawal Agreement.

The statement to Parliament will follow days of speculation that some Cabinet Ministers and key aides to the PM are manoeuvring for a fresh Brexit poll.

17.12.2018 - 05:03 [ ]

Theresa May must hold a vote on Brexit deal this week, critics blast from all sides

(16.12.2018) Tory rebels, Labour and the SNP all called for the vote to take place this week instead of being delayed until January 14 as she currently plans.

Jeremy Corbyn‘s ally Andrew Gwynne told the BBC: „The main thing that we want next week is to have that meaningful vote on the withdrawal agreement.

16.12.2018 - 09:26 [ Radio Utopie ]

Aktuelles zum Kampf Großbritanniens um seine Unabhängigkeit

Schlagwort „Brexit“: Ein kurzer Statusbericht

16.12.2018 - 06:57 [ ]

No10 at war over a new referendum: Theresa May‘s Deputy Prime Minister AND her Chief of Staff are both plotting for a second vote, infuriating Cabinet Brexiteers

Gavin Barwell, the Prime Minister’s most powerful and influential adviser, is understood to have decided that plans should be drawn up for another public poll. But his incendiary suggestion has been greeted with fury from Brexiteers in the Cabinet.

Meanwhile, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Mrs May’s deputy, David Lidington has held a series of secret meetings with Labour MPs to build a ‘coalition of the willing’ to force a new EU vote.

16.12.2018 - 06:35 [ ]

EXCL Number 10 chief begs Labour MPs to back ‚tenacious‘ Theresa May‘s Brexit deal

(27.11.2018) The chief of staff gave a 28-minute presentation to Labour MPs in Committee Room 12 of Parliament, alongside de facto deputy Prime Minister David Lidington and top Cabinet Office official Jonathan Black.

The trio then faced another half-hour of questions from their audience, during which they were told that Mrs May could lose the crunch vote on 11 December by 150 votes.

PoliticsHome has been passed a recording of the session, during which Mr Barwell said the deal was the „best available“ and insisted EU leaders will not change it if it is voted down.

16.12.2018 - 06:34 [ ]

May invites Labour MPs to Brexit briefing as she begs them to back her deal

(26.11.2018) The Prime Minister will ramp up her two-week „campaign“ to save her deal and her career with the behind-closed-doors session at 8pm.

A note sent to Labour MPs has said it will be held by her Cabinet deputy, David Lidington, and chief of staff Gavin Barwell.

A Labour source said many MPs were expected to turn up.