Archiv: Chloroquine (Resochin) / medicine

22.04.2020 - 02:08 [ Stars and Stripes ]

Study of malaria drug on VA virus patients shows no benefit, more deaths

There were more deaths among those patients who were given the drug, hydroxychloroquine, than patients who received standard care, researchers found.

09.04.2020 - 07:17 [ Pierre Blanchaud / Nachdenkseiten ]

Das schweigende Gesundheitsministerium: Wie in Frankreich eine effektive Therapie gegen Covid-19 unterdrückt wird (mit Update).

Dass Raoults Forschungsergebnisse auf eine solche negative Resonanz bei der Obrigkeit und den Mainstream-Medien trafen, lässt sich dadurch erklären, dass das Aufkommen eines effizienten und billigen Medikamentes auf dem französischen und europäischen Markt die Projekte von zwei Pharmafirmen, Gilead und Abbvie, durchkreuzen würde. Diese beiden Firmen stellen zwei ebenfalls gegen Covid-19 eingesetzte Medikamente her: Gilead stellt das sehr teure Anti-Ebola-Mittel Remdesivir her und Abbvie Kaletra ein Kombinationspräparat aus den Anti-HIV-Medikamenten Lopinavir und Ritonavir. Bekanntlich reicht der Arm der starken Pharmaindustrie bis in die hohen Sphären der französischen Gesundheitspolitik. Und aus diesen hohen Sphären haben die oben erwähnten Firmen drei Personen, die sich – was für eine Überraschung! – als prominenteste Gegner Raoults und des Hydroxychloroquins geoutet haben:

08.04.2020 - 04:34 [ Reuters ]

CDC removes unusual guidance to doctors about drug favored by Trump

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has removed from its website highly unusual guidance informing doctors on how to prescribe hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, drugs recommended by President Donald Trump to treat the coronavirus.

08.04.2020 - 04:30 [ WIRED ]

Chloroquine May Fight Covid-19—and Silicon Valley’s Into It

A blockchain investor named James Todaro tweeted that an 85-year-old malaria drug called chloroquine was a potential treatment and preventative against the disease caused by the new coronavirus. Todaro linked to a Google doc he’d cowritten, explaining the idea.

06.04.2020 - 11:13 [ CHEManager / Twitter ]

.@Bayer hat die ersten 600.000 Resochin Tabletten kostenlos an die @bundeswehrInfo übergeben.

Im Labor sowie in ersten klinischen Untersuchungen habe es erste Hinweise darauf gegeben, das #Resochin die Viruslast bei #Covid19-Patienten senkt.

05.04.2020 - 09:59 [ Forbes ]

FDA Approves Anti-Malarial Drugs Chloroquine And Hydroxychloroquine For Emergency Coronavirus Treatment


The Department of Health and Human Services said Sunday hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine products can be distributed and prescribed by doctors through the Strategic National Stockpile “to hospitalized teen and adult patients with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible.”

HHS said Germany’s Sandoz has already given 30 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to the Strategic National Stockpile, the federal government’s inventory of medical supplies for public health emergencies, while Bayer has donated a million doses of chloroquine.

03.04.2020 - 21:09 [ ]

Germany hopes Bayer malaria drug could treat COVID-19

In an interview with Bild newspaper (link in German), federal health minister Jens Spahn said that there “are early indications that certain medications seem to help,” and that there were ongoing studies in Germany into what drugs could potentially work in treating coronavirus, “including with this old malaria drug.”

He added that more studies are needed as all drugs have side effects. However, he expects an effective drug to treat COVID-19 to come on the market much earlier than a vaccine.

03.04.2020 - 08:48 [ Frankfurter Allgemeine / Twitter ]

Mittlerweile gibt es Hinweise, dass bestimmte Arzneimittel bei der Behandlung von #COVIDー19 Wirkung zeigen. Spahn hofft auf das #Malaria-Medikament #Resochin. Alle Entwicklungen zur #Coronakrise im Liveblog:


03.04.2020 - 08:47 [ @DLFNachrichten / Twitter ]

Deutschland hat sich nach Angaben von Gesundheitsminister Spahn Zugriff auf die als mögliches Coronavirus-Medikament gehandelte Arznei Chloroquine gesichert.


03.04.2020 - 08:41 [ Robert Zaretsky / ]

The Trumpian French Doctor Behind the Chloroquine Hype


The founder and director of Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire, or IHU, in Marseille, the 68-year-old Raoult has compiled a sometimes dazzling, sometimes disturbing career that could have been scripted by Marcel Pagnol or Honoré de Balzac. Born in Senegal, Raoult defied his father, who was serving there as a military doctor, and quit high school in his junior year. Signing up with the French merchant marine, the young Raoult spent the next two years at sea.

03.04.2020 - 08:21 [ Michael Hiltzik / LA Times ]

Column: The suspect science behind Trump’s chloroquine claims


Chloroquine is dangerous when not taken under a doctor’s rigorous supervision, and its shortage can cause life-threatening consequences for lupus patients and serious health effects for rheumatoid or inflammatory arthritis patients.

The bottom line is that evidence for chloroquine’s effectiveness in COVID-19 is unsubstantiated. It derives heavily from the work of a controversial French expert in infectious diseases, Didier Raoult,

03.04.2020 - 08:12 [ ]

Trump touts chloroquine for ‚immediate‘ use treating coronavirus, but FDA wants to see the data first

“It’s shown very encouraging, very, very encouraging early results, and we’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately, and that’s where the FDA has been so great,” Trump said. “They’ve gone through the approval process, it’s been approved and they did it, they took it down from many, many months to immediate.”

But moments later, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn cautioned that chloroquine had not yet been approved for treating COVID-19.

03.04.2020 - 07:59 [ Enis Guri Gashi / Twitter ]

Jens Spahn reserved huge amounts Chloroquine against Corona at the German pharma giant Bayer. Bayer also assured the US a big amount of it


03.04.2020 - 07:57 [ MDR Aktuell / Twitter ]

Bundesgesundheitsminister Spahn hofft bei schweren Corona-Erkranungen auf Malaria-Medikament Resochin von Bayer: Spahn sagte @bild , es gebe erste Hinweise, dass bestimmte Medikamente zu helfen schienen.
